“Follow your heart and do what feels right for you, because that’s living. Everything else is dying .” - Henri Junttila

In the hectic world we live in today, sometimes it is hard to find ways to live life in complete happiness. You are entitled to live your life they way you want to and were meant to live them. Many of us are afraid to stand up for ourselves, ask for what we want and refuse what we don’t want. We let others opinions guide our dreams and goals. Standing up for what you believe in takes some work but with enthusiasm and perseverance, you can live the life you desire.

Start with being positive at all times. Surround yourself with positive energy. The possibilities for achieving this are endless. Read positive inspirational books , upbeat movies and TV shows. Associate yourself with positive, successful people. Statistics show that you aspire to the 5 closest people you have in your support circle.

In order to attract these people in your circle remember to be honorable and respectful to everyone you meet. Be someone who does the right thing, tells the truth and keeps your promises. This is an integral part of being who you are – authentic. Being authentic gives you creditability and you attract authentic positive people to your corner. Being authentic is a process and achieving it is ongoing. Part of your authenticity should be integrity. No matter how idealistic it sounds your integrity is something you should always strive for. Having integrity means being ethical and being faithful to a moral code that benefits you and all of humanity.

Now that I have mentioned the importance of your authenticity, I don’t want you to now pick yourself apart and focus on your weaknesses in order to find the authentic you. Put your energy towards your strengths. You can’t fix all your weaknesses so don’t waste valuable energy doing so. Direct that energy instead towards following your passions. You have them; you just might not have taken the time to discover them yet. Be open minded you never know where your passions will come from. Most important to this mission is to never give up.

Once you discover your passions take action. Continue to learn everything you can in this life to continue onto the next step in your journey. While taking action make sure you take responsibility for your decisions, actions and words. You are the only one responsible for what you life looks like. What you think about and wish for you attract. If you re not happy with your life and circumstances you find yourself in, it is up to you to change things – no one else is. Everything you do is your choice so make them wisely.

Finally be a caring person to not only yourself but to everyone you come in contact with. To be an awesome person you have to care. Remember that in this day and age if the Internet, being a caring person spreads even farther because how you speak across the net reflects on you and your amazing inner being. Use care in everything you do; your thoughts, actions and words and you will be every bit the person you were born to be. You will be able to live the desired life you deserve to live. Happiness will find it very hard not to be attracted to you. You will see just practice being who you are to be. Remember we are human “beings” not human “doings.” So rely on your heart to guide you on your journey towards your destiny.

Author's Bio: 

Tamara Elizabeth is a certified self-love and transformational coach and Master Motivator of women in transition. She empowers women to look into the mirror and reflect the fabulously lovable selves. She is the author of an inspirational workbook for women titled,” Fabulously Fifty and Reflecting It! –Discovering My Lovable Me. Tamara strives to find the humor in life and you will find your coaching experience very positive – the ride of your life. Do you want to discover how to empower yourself, and reflect upon your own journey to self-love? You are welcome to visit Tamara Elizabeth @ http://moximize.me . Do yourself the favor - It is setting an intention towards your goal.