We all know how big of a problem moths are. They show up in your hose when you least expect it and they could ruin all of your clothes. Therefore, you must do everything you can and prevent this problem. Luckily, there are some methods that manage to keep moths away.

With a little planning and little bit of work you can make sure that all of your clothes, carpets or rugs are safe and they won’t be ruined by these little pests. Here is what you can do to protect your house from moths.

Prevention methods

First of all, it is important to make sure that you store all your materials safely. Moths will easily get in closets or cupboards and they will use materials as their source of food. Then, they will lay eggs, add you might end up dealing with an infestation.

Therefore, if you have any clothes that you do not wear, you should make sure that they are stored properly. It is best to keep them in sealed boxes or bags. This way, moths can’t get to them and their larvae can’t get there either.

There are certain places where it is very likely for moths to lay eggs, so you have to check them constantly. For example, it is very important to look under furniture, especially when it comes to sofas and beds. If you do find some eggs remove them as soon as you can.You will also need to keep your closets free from moths. One way to do that is by using scented moth repellent sachets. Many of them use lavender scent, so if you have any dried lavender around the house you can use that directly.

Get rid of moths

If you already have a moth infestation, you need to treat it as fast as possible. This is why it would be recommended to call professional services. You could ask for help from Adams Melbourne Pest Control Services and make sure that there is someone that will take care of your problem properly.

Not only that it is safer for you to call some professionals, but it will be much quicker too, and in these situations it is better not to waste any time.However, if you do want to take care of the problem on your own you have to make sure that you are very careful. If you do find some moths or any damaged materials that seem to indicate that moths were there, you should clean the area as soon as you can. Wash and vacuum the area so that you clean everything.

If you use any insecticides or pesticides you should handle them with care, as they can be very dangerous. Protect yourself when you use them and always wear gloves and protection goggles. These substances can also be harmful to your household, so it is vital that you keep your children and pets as far away as you can.

Author's Bio: 

Rasel Khan is an internet entrepreneur