Despite May feeling calm, it had a challenging intensity. Particularly the last week, inducing almost a sense of lethargy. Simply wanting to go slow and allow the days to unfold rather than the next item on the "to do list"! A moment to allow transition to take place.
Transition Underway
A moment to accept the movement from the established patterns and beliefs to being comfortable with the unknown – requiring a leap of faith and trust in oneself!
The new moon on 5th June indicated another dose of double new beginnings! The alignment brought in the element of endings, so once again there a moment of letting go to create space for the new. The sense of needing to slow down to do so lasts until 29th June.
The full moon and so the solstice arrive on 20th June, indicating peace , balance, cooperation and relationships. It also brings a celebration of joy – so an ideal moment to recognise and connect to the energies of the solstice.
One Spirit Medicine
A practice to assist in making such a transition is to be found in Alberto Villoldo´s One Spirit Medicine. The book is about how he managed his own recovery from a medical diagnosis of "my heart and liver being close to collapse, the doctors said, and my brain was riddled with parasites."
The shamanic approach he sets out concludes with use of the medicine wheel "to shed outworn narratives about your past and embrace a new, liberating personal story or mythology."
A suggested approach is to:
1. Write a one page fairy tale about a man or woman locked up in a castle dungeon. Setting out how did the prisoner come to be there and what are the beliefs and fears keeping them there.
2. Sit quietly and allow a new vision for yourself and your life to emerge. Then write a new story in which you are free, leaving the castle for the unknown, meeting challenges and opportunities, creating a new destiny. Identifying the strengths and beliefs on which the new narrative is based.
The last five chapters move round the four directions of the medicine wheel and conclude with "the final step on the journey to One Spirit, the Vision Quest."
Shamanics in Portugal'snext Vision Quest is 13/19th June during Wilderness and Questing, Being alone in the Wilderness has long been part of ritual handed down and still practiced in different forms by many peoples throughout the world today. It provides the means to step from where you are in your life, to where you want to be, to what you desire to change, to find answers you have found hard to discover in today´s busy world.
The first two days will be spent learning about what the wilderness has to offer. What can be found amongst its magical rocks, trees and river? And, then how can this be adapted for your use? Specifically for the Vision Queststarting on the Thursday.
The final Vision Quest for 2016 is planned for 22nd to 25th September. There will be a half day Introduction to Shamanic Journeying, on the morning of 22nd September followed in the afternoon by the Vision Quest.
A copy of our All About Fire workbook will be provided free-of-charge to all who book.
Then 16/17th July there is Working with the Ancestors. This event is for those seeking to be free from the limitations of your family lineage. It requires experience of journeying.
A copy of our All About Air workbook will be provided free-of-charge to all who book.
The full list of events is available by visiting this link:
Thought for June
Focus on all the good people in, and aspects of, your life.
Focus on all that makes you feel good.
Be grateful and joyful for what you love in your life.
Do not even spare a second thought for anyone that creates a negative emotion/reaction and response in your being.
If you focus on the positive in your life the negatives will disintegrate into nothing more than a passing cloud.
If the cloud lingers,
Send it love, accept all that it offers you and you will grow to have acceptance that even something negative can be a tool to help you grow.
The trick is not to feed the negative thoughts, rather to learn from them.
See what they are teaching you and let them move away without lingering.
Breath, Smile, and Let go.
A Quote/Poem by Nelson Mandela
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us.
We ask ourselves: "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?"
Actually, who are you NOT to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you.
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Need we say more!
(a thread or line that holds things together)Sit in stillness/silence for 30 minutes. Drift awareness to five personal expressions of the Universe:
- Patience
- Acceptance
- Defencelessness
- Compassion
- Abundance
Repeat each word over and over within your being for a minute and then move onto the next one etc..Repeat this process on a loop for five rounds. Then sit with yourself and take note of how this sutra has shifted your awareness.
Blessings to you all on your journey into oneness.
As a 15 Universal Month June symbolises love, responsibility, family and abundance . 15 represents the spiritual alchemist – the magician who transmutes energy into joy. Uplift your life with all that makes you happy. In this 9 Universal Year, this is the month that both numbers of love (6 and 9) are activated.
June marks the start of a four month period in which each of us needs to come to know our true self. This phase moves us beyond clearing the decks to knowing our direction and in taking action, how to manifest our dreams and desires.
Thank you for taking a look at some of the articles in the June 2016 edition of Shamanics in Portugal´s Earth Spirit Journal. Our intention is to remind you our readers, friends and connections we are all part of a much larger, ever evolving community bringing balance between Father Sky and Mother Earth. To meet the differing needs of a wider audience, the Journal is made available on YouTube so that you can listen to it as well as view some of the scenery where our events are held:
To read about this month's Shamanic power animal, and to subscribe to receive the earth spirit journal along with 'subscriber only' offers, gifts and bonuses please do visit us here:
Besides creating and running Gregory Reece-Smith, the author of this article, is also one of the three main guides with Shamanics in Portugal alongside Steve and Suze Plenty-Light Elliott. You can visit the team's facebook page at , and their website at
Gregory is an experienced transformation facilitator, both within organisations and with individuals. As well as coaching, he conducts workshops at various locations around the world allowing participants to gain experience of how to effect a shift and bring greater clarity in their lives. Gregory´s first book 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony – A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life', was published by Divine Time Books and is currently available via Amazon: