With the passing of June we now have less than 180 days left of 2016 - remembering as a 9 Universal year, the focus is on wholeness, integration and completion. As the ninth and final year in our current 9-year cycle, it is the moment for completion. Being ready to turn the page to the new cycle.

Transition(s) Begun

June had for many the sense of quiet before the storm of transition. The re-structuring which has been initiated is not only about Britain and the EU, it is affecting every aspect of our lives. And, there are still the weeks to the next equinox to run!

Did you feel dizzy, nauseous, have blurry vision or other body aches and pains in the middle of June? Perhaps this was the effect of a shift in the Earth´s magnetic field during the weekend prior to the solstice on 20th June? The result of this 3-5º shift is that magnetic north no longer lines up with the North star.

As a 9 Universal Year this last part of 2016 is going to push us all to let go of anything that no longer serves us...

Only then will it be possible to allow abundance to effortlessly cascade into every area of your life.

The new moon rose on 4th July, when the USA celebrated turning of a new page in its history - independence.

This new moon is in the sign of the Sacred Feminine, the creative Mother energy and the nurturer. Encouraging us all to look at ourselves honestly, giving love to every nuance, action, thought and feeling.

It therefore offers an energy to peer within and view our relationship to our ‘Mother’ within, our sacred intuitive natures, no matter our gender.

A moment to consider what can your ‘Inner-Mother’ teach you at this moment... and allow that wisdom to be imparted from a place of unconditional love of self.

The re-structuring for each of us is in part to balance our male and female polarity, thereby rippling out to all of humanity and so all of creation.

Our suggestion is to therefore take a moment to ‘Dream the Dream’ of the Goddess, and create harmony and loving combination of the masculine and feminine within us all.

The full moon on the 19th will shed greater light on any changes needed. It will also bring forth an even greater urge to connect with others in our family and community. Reminding us once again to let go of old emotional patterns preventing us from turning the page.

The very next day, Venus and Saturn form a harmonious “trine”. Encouraging us to take responsibility by addressing all our relationships and actively work on our wealth creation projects.

One Spirit Work

Our next event is on 16/17th July focusing on Working with the Ancestors. This event is for those seeking to be free from the limitations of your family lineage. It requires experience of journeying.

A copy of our All About Air workbook will be provided free to all who book.

The final 'Vision Quest' for 2016 is planned for 22nd to 25th September at the end of this period of transition. There will be a half day 'Introduction to Shamanic Journeying' , on the morning of 22nd September followed in the afternoon by the Vision Quest:

A copy of our 'All About Fire'workbook will be provided to all who book.

Should this date not be convenient and you feel the call to Quest during this last part of 2016, email us at support@shamanicsinportugal.com to indicate dates most convenient for you to Quest. Just include your name, email address and dates. We will then assess numbers for a particular weekend and if convenient, email to confirm the date and to request a booking.

29/30th October will be 'Discovering the Inner Realms... an Introduction to Shamanism'. This will introduce you to the shamanic experience of ritual, creating sacred space, journeying, meeting your guides, power animals and much more on our experiential journey together. It will provide you with powerful, effective tools to let you tap into the unseen world for insight and healing which requires no external authority, intermediary, or even beliefs.

A copy of our 'All About Air' workbook will be provided free to all who book.

The full list of events is available by visiting this link: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/2016

Thought for July

When we walk on this earth and we are not feeling in our power it is showing us we are not walking with integrity and impeccability.

We may be trying to please others by being something we are not. We may want to be accepted, we may be fearful of stepping into our power due to the possibility of judgement and afraid others will not like us. Also being afraid we may lose everything we hold close to us.

We may be fearful of our personal relationships changing. We are taking a huge risk by walking into the unknown. Authority can keep one from walking one´s path.

When we step into our power we are not affected by what others think about us. We walk our talk, we stand tall in the face of adversity.

We may be giving away our power to others who are feeding on it to build their own ego mind state and then we have fallen from our own inner strength. Or, if we have never even found it, this can really have a very negative affect within us.

It can start to corrode our inner being, we may start to build up anger, resentment, frustrations, dis-ease etc. within our beings. When we are able to speak our truth and even if that truth is not heard or affirmed, and we still stay with our own beliefs we are walking with integrity.

Stepping into your own power may mean there is going to be change in your life that may appear very challenging. Stepping into the certainty of uncertainty.

For example, if you are in a relationship where you feel powerless and you feel the rising of your own power. This is the moment to say stop, I do not like this, NO, this will change patterns of behaviour.

You want change, if your partner/friend/ family etc. sees this and grows with you then there is healing, movement forward and impeccability moves into the relationship. If the partner...wants no change, does not to take some responsibility for change and you still talk your truth? There may be breakdown in the relationship...this is when you are facing integrity and impeccability, by still staying with what you desire, what you believe in.

If there is no change then maybe it will be you who has to walk away.

With integrity come dignity, compassion, impeccability, devotion to your own truth, honesty, and an unwavering in your own belief even when there are distracting and contrary influences.

This is not to say you then become self-important and righteous with your own power, this is impeccability.  With your own empowerment comes humility, you have forgiveness within, and an ability to recognise when your own power struggles are at play and to be honest about it.

With integrity we make sure we are in no way trying to control others, we are honest and have no hidden agendas. We are watchful of ourselves and we can catch ourselves when we start to be more aware about how we have been in the world and how we want to be in the world.

When we start to shift in our awareness of what we are doing to create drama and destructiveness with self and towards others we can stop this much quicker. We may not have to even face these problems.

We become healthy, more vibrant and more positively active within the relationship to ourselves, to our lovers, friends, within our workplace and in general. We start to know ourselves.

Recognising 'warts and all' and accepting that none of us are perfect though we are at least trying to become clearer and move into the higher vibrations that integrity will produce.

Self-investigation as to how you are feeling with yourself and within your relationship with others is very important for your own health and well-being.

Are you allowing people to manipulate you for your own needs?

Are you controlling others for your own benefit, without the use of integrity?

Are you honest with yourself?

Are you not telling your truth thus allowing others to keep acting inappropriately with your permission... for they do not know until you tell them that this is a behaviour/action that does not sit right with you.

Are you fearful of the changes that moving into your own truth will bring? A very large proportion of us allow our lives to be lived like this through the fear of hurting others to gain our own freedom. Does this stop you walking your truth?

Are you fearful of losing everything, work, financial stability, friendships, your marriage , your children etc.?
Can you be honest with yourself about your own dramas, priorities, needs and goals and then look at your own behaviours to see if this is serving your true purpose with integrity and with impeccability? Which is to be at your best at all times - an objective for all of us to achieve in this lifetime.

A Quote/Poem: “If” by Rudyard Kipling

This item available to view in the July edition of the Earth Spirit Journal -- view and subscribe here: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/newsletter/

Portuguese power animal for July: Dog ~ 'LOYALTY'

Dog has been in service to mankind from very ancient times. It is said that he is man´s best friend, gentle, loving and full of compassion. Also dog is man´s protector of his territories, animals and man him-self.

Dog teaches us... (Full article available to subscribers in the July edition of the Earth Spirit Journal).

...In closing

As a 16 Universal month, July is a month where our intuition is expanded. So expect sudden insights, unexpected changes and transformation . As well as allowing you to access wisdom , wealth and leadership.

The number ‘7’ is the number of the Mystic. The seeker of wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Universal Laws. The number 7 is the number of self-responsibility, transformation and growth.

In doing so we can then embrace our ‘old wounds’, allowing these to be healed and take our dreams and visions of our new/real selves (authentic wisdom ). From that new page we can allow our light to shine more brightly than we ever thought possible before.

You can view the full July edition, and subscribe for future editions of the earth Spirit Journal at: http://shamanicsinportugal.com/newsletter/

Please DO share and distribute this newsletter with as many others as you feel guided to, though please ensure to keep the integrity of its content by including the authors and source website links. Thank you.

Author's Bio: 

Besides creating and running http://creatingharmonyinyourlife.com/ Gregory Reece-Smith, the author of this article, is also one of the three main guides with Shamanics in Portugal alongside Steve and Suze Plenty-Light Elliott. You can visit the team's facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ShamanicsinPortugal , and their website at http://shamanicsinportugal.com/

Gregory is an experienced transformation facilitator, both within organisations and with individuals. As well as coaching, he conducts workshops at various locations around the world allowing participants to gain experience of how to effect a shift and bring greater clarity in their lives. Gregory´s first book 'The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony – A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life', was published by Divine Time Books and is currently available via Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/b00reowcry