The use of antidepressant medicine reached at the highest level in 2006 with medical practioners advising the differing forms of antidepressants more than any other type of medicine. These drugs are being prescribed more by the doctors than heart or cancer medication. It is exciting news on the one hand as people understand that they should not suffer from depression in silence. On the other hand, it means that more and more men are taking these drugs although their long term side effects can differ greatly from person-to-person. Some people are searching for medicine to tackle depression and anxiety , but they are unwilling to take normal antidepressant for some unknown reason. Recent research has revealed the benefits of provigil in treating depression .

Prescribing provigil for treating depression is truly a modern trend. Providial, the trade name of Modafinil, is used chiefly to take care of narcolepsy (a disorder known for its often unmanageable bouts of sleepiness during the day) as a way to enhance energy and alertness. The method of working of provigil is not truly known. It is unlike other stimulants that include amphetamines and it will not cause normal side effects that are associated with the use of other stimulants, like bad temper, anxiety or restlessness. Provigil will not lead the users to "crash" as the pill acts its way through the body and some of us perceive that the capacity of their memory increases while using Provigil. This has been recognized as a popular drug which helps people remain awake for long span of time without being horrified.

As with all other drugs applied for treating multiple ailments, it will be better to remain cautious while using it for other situations beyond the recommended FDA use. The Food and Drug Administration has not allowed using provigil for depression or memory boosting. However, some studies performed by medical professionals have revealed potential results for the use of provigil for treating depression . It is one of the best energy boosters.

Taking recourse to provigil for anxiety or depression treatment should be left in the hand of doctor to determine and you need not rush to believe that it will work effectively in your case. Only the doctor really is aware of the side effects of the drug and can suggest you of the impending results of taking it to treat the condition of your own. The doctor should also be careful in prescribing provigil for depression because its long term effects are still not known. It has the power to do wonders for the depression, or it may cause you to perceive more depressed, depending on the chemistry of your body. Of course, it is not exceptional, because all mood correcting drugs have similar effects.

Now, a question may arise that should I take provigil or provigil alternatives? The best view is to talk to the doctor about options of treatment. The doctor himself will determine whether using provigil for depression is perfect or not. He may also finalize that anything else will be more result oriented.

Author's Bio: 

The author is nutrition consultant. According to him, the Doxiderol contains provigil alternatives in a right amount along with other energy boosters . It can be taken without medical prescription.