I want you to imagine having a group of clients — whether it’s 5, 15 or 50 people. In this group are your ideal clients, and you get to work with them deeply.

These are clients who have invested in themselves at a high-level, which generally goes hand-in-hand with people who are going to do the work. They are going to take your expertise and use it to manifest something amazing in the world.

Would that feel incredible, or what?

Mentors, coaches, healers, authors, trainers — you are out there as messengers making a difference. And there’s nothing more satisfying than having a business where your expertise is used and appreciated.

So, the opportunity to work on a deeper level with your ideal clients is the first reason you want to offer your own mastermind, mentorship or high-end coaching program.

Now, I want you to imagine no more struggling, looking for new clients each and every month, and then worrying when you’re serving those new clients that now you’re not spending time on your pipeline, on prospecting. So you’re feasting now, but you know a famine is coming.

Having a mastermind or mentorship program that’s six months or a year-long that’s leveraged, because you’re training more than one person at a time, lets you just focus on the clients whose lives you’re meant to transform. Your attention is completely on them rather than half of it always on the famine that’s going to come if you’re not constantly prospecting.

That’s the second reason you want to have your own high-end coaching program — you can secure your income for a whole year. I call this Entrepreneurial Nirvana.

The third reason is the regular recurring income you can count on each and every month. Here’s how all of the above transformed my life. Imagine this happening to you!

In 2007, my husband was training to be a heart surgeon and not bringing in much income at all. That year I made $18,000.

The following year I made $130,000. It was a huge accomplishment, but I made the income mostly doing one-on-one work, and I was fried, working so much with two toddlers and my husband gone all the time.

In 2009 I reached Nirvana. My business skyrocketed to more than $2 million in sales. And one of the major, major factors for that leap was offering my own high-end mastermind program, and having a year to work deeply with my most committed clients to create more heart-centered superstars!

In 2010, now realizing the power of offering a high-end mentorship program, I leapt again to more than $4 million in sales. Last year followed suit. (Thank you, Lord!)

This is why I have become so passionate and an expert on the subject. There’s a real potential here to change your life, the life of your family and the life of your clients.

If you’d like to serve clients on a deeper level and literally secure a whole year’s income very quickly at the same time, find out more about Event Profit Secrets here.

No matter how you slice it, the #1 way to secure a year’s worth of amazing clients and notable income is by having your own event, big or small, and then offering your mastermind, mentorship or high-end coaching program.

Author's Bio: 

Sales-from-the-podium expert Lisa Sasevich has x-ray vision for seeing the sales opportunities that exist in every company, and the creativity to convert them into gold! If you're looking for simple, quick and easy ways to boost sales without spending a dime, get your FREE Sales Nuggets now at http://www.theinvisibleclose.com