By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online .

Is it really possible for a person to deal or treat problems—in fact, any problem—with hypnosis ? At this day and age, we’re so used to the conventional treatments. When you’re sick, you see a doctor, and you’re provided with medications. If they don’t work, you are given another one. You undergo surgery or other types of procedures just to get yourself healed.

Then came hypnosis . The concept is so intriguing that it’s not difficult to understand why people have misconceptions or doubts about it. And besides, hypnosis has become so associated with magic and the dark arts a lot think it’s completely bad.

What is hypnosis?

The word “hypnosis” comes from a Greek word that means “to sleep.” However, the person doesn’t fall asleep when he or she is under hypnosis (even if his or her eyes are closed). The individual is simply in a very deep relaxed state.

Why is this important? Hypnosis believes in the power of the mind—that is, the subconscious mind. Plenty of psychologists have already stressed that the mind is divided into two: the conscious and the subconscious. The one you normally use is the conscious mind. It is also something you can easily control. If there is any information you don’t want to receive, the conscious mind doesn’t store it.

It’s different with the subconscious. Though hidden, it has the ability to pick up on anything since it’s not something you have power over with. When used properly, a subconscious mind can also influence the way your conscious mind works.

The subconscious mind can also absorb suggestions, subliminal messages, or affirmations . These are positive statements that work to change your present negative mind-set into something positive.

To properly illustrate how the conscious and subconscious mind handles messages, here’s an example: You’re walking down a street and you saw a woman with a pretty face. Since it’s only a matter of seconds and you didn’t know her, you treated her as someone insignificant. Forward to several years, you happened to see her again. Even if it’s a long time ago and you’ve simply glanced at her, you somehow felt as if you knew her. It’s because her memory was stored in your subconscious.

How about when you do self hypnosis with subliminal messages? How does it work?

Here’s another example: Let’s pretend you’re suffering from anxiety attack. Every time you go on stage, you immediately freeze or stutter.

During hypnosis, you went deep into your subconscious and discovered you have repressed memories or trauma. You had fallen from the stage when you’re young and were ridiculed by many. One of your best defenses to cope with the shame was to “store it” in the very deep parts of your mind.

To put an end to an anxiety , you resolved the problem by using subliminal messages:

I have forgiven myself over what happened.
I am completely saying good-bye to this bad memory.
The accident doesn’t affect me anymore.

If you repeat this over and over, what would happen? Suddenly the way your mind thinks changes, and you start to believe these affirmations .

Does Hypnosis Work?

Subliminal hypnosis and other kinds of hypnosis work but to a certain extent. There are different factors that can affect the healing process. For one, you need to be more open to the treatment. If your conscious mind isn’t ready for it, it will take a long time before you can get into your subconscious.

Author's Bio: 

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages online. Valued at $160, click for 4 Free Subliminal Messages Videos !