Your Power and Leadership are About to be Challenged!

Now in the last days of 2018, we have ahead of us a month of two halves. In numerology December is a 14. This reduces to 5, which is sits in the middle between 1 and 9. Meaning December is a turning point.

It will provide surprises as well as restlessness as it wants us to be free to experience new opportunities. Meaning there is an element of risk taking in the air. What has outlasted you, along with allowing re-birth and adventure seeking?

The 12 days from the 2nd will be particularly fiery with regard to the exercise of power.

A Tale of Two Halves

During this period I note the key vote to approve the legislation on the UK´s Brexit from the EU is scheduled for the 11th. The question is really about who has the right to exercise power. It is going to challenge the established view on how power can be delegated and so exercised.

The period is asking all of us to adjust to a clearer, more holistic understanding of our true power.

Then for 10 days from 5th December we are going to feel heightened uncertainty and confusion about our direction.

Within this though there is a paradox, for we are being asked to let go of those points of certainty which NO longer serve us. The objective being to help us tap into the resourcefulness and resiliency to carry on all we desire to do. Even though it may seem the whole world is challenging us.

Then Your Power of Leadership

This is going to challenge our powers of leadership, in particular our story of “I cannot….” Woven together these two themes make for a challenging two weeks.

If you are at a transition point in your life where you are wondering whether to commit or not, and you like the idea of doing something truly meaningful, rewarding and also profitable, meaningful, rewarding and also profitable, I invite you to schedule a complimentary Discovery Session with me. Message me or email me at: to explore possibilities.

The period from the 5th to the 15th or 16th December is not a good one for medical procedures, seek to defer if you can.

On the 6th Mercury goes direct, though its shadow lasts until Christmas Eve. The next day, 7th December, the new moon in Sagittarius rises.

This moon is asking us to become clear on what wisdom we learnt during 2018… and what you wish to take with you into 2019.

The moon also marks the start of a new paradigm of the Divine Feminine.

Expansion, Wisdom and Thriving

This Sagittarius season, with Jupiter ruling the new moon in its own sign is suggesting there will be many opportunities to enjoy the bounty and abundance that surrounds you.

Sagittarius symbolises an unquenchable thirst for wisdom , being a student, philosopher, engaging in the unfamiliar – expanding your mind.

And Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, merging with the sun and moon signifies a major shift in your conscious awareness about your own abilities to grow, expand and thrive. Jupiter also rules gratitude .

You are being encouraged to explore what sets you free and engage only with what gives you the most joy.

Mercury will be asking you to address some fears you have not understood. It is in Scorpio until the 12th which means you may also be able to clear some debts as a result of money received.

The day after the new moon, Chiron also goes direct. Meaning for the next six months external healing will be to the fore, adding to that within.

The trine between Mercury and Chiron will awaken your inner warrior, your inner shaman, your inner healer, your inner spiritual nurturer. The purpose, to awaken everything you learnt in other lifetimes about using your healing abilities and intuition .

Just pay attention to your environment and notice when and where the offerings are available to participate. With the Sun, Saturn and Pluto at the same declination in the new moon chart an intense awareness to make the best of life is evident.

Ready to Change Your Beliefs?

Jupiter in Sagittarius with the Sagittarius new moon desperately wants us to pay attention to how our mind and beliefs alter our view of the world, so impacting our experience of life. Believe in your capabilities and challenge the beliefs that lurk in the corners of your unconscious mind – your Lifeguard.

Only if you do can you change your life. Otherwise your Lifeguard will continue to keep you safe, its purpose, by remaining in your existing comfort zone. No matter how hard you try to make changes.

We have not experienced this new moon with the ruling planet Jupiter in Sagittarius since 2007. It provides the moment to set your intentions as far over your horizon as you dare. Preferably where you have no idea of how it is probable, though know it is possible.

For this new moon offers a moment for growth as its truth will set you free in some capacity.

Understand when there is an aspect of your life not feeling good, there is something much greater wanting to be expressed.

It is your indicator this is the moment to release your focus upon what is not working and shift your focus to the greater vision that is before you.

This new moon is also reminding you to reach out to those who believe in you and help you stretch beyond your comfort zone of what you think and believe you can do and challenge you to do more than your Lifeguard continues to state you can.

My free five day challenge entitled “Make 2019 The Year You Change Your Life" finished last weekend. The changes achieved by its participants mean I am considering offering it again in mid-January. Sign up using this link or email me at: to let me know your interest.

The Meaning of 2222

The new moon also marks the start of the annual Galactic Alignment of the Earth, Sun and our Galactic Centre in the sign of Sagittarius.

The exact alignment is on 19th December, followed by the solstice on the 21st and then the full moon on the 22nd.

The solstice has an interesting feature to it as in terms of UTC it is due at 22.22. In numerology “2” resonates with service and duty, balance and harmony, intuition, decisiveness, flexibility, partnerships and relationships, faith and trust. More particularly living your divine purpose and mission.

According to Joanne Walmsley at Sacred Scribes, 2222 encourages you to take a balanced, harmonious and peaceful stance in all aspects of your life, no matter what the circumstances. Reminding you that nothing happens by chance, there is a reason for everything.

Maintain your path as the evidence of what you are seeking to manifest is coming to fruition. Keep faith in yourself and trust in your personal truth.

It also reminds you love is the most important aspect of all. Loving yourself is the essential ingredient for good health and wellbeing. Love of the self, others and of life connects you with the energies and prosperity of the Creator energies. Self-love brings self-expression and allows for creativity and fulfilment. Love yourself and love your life.

For everything that separates us from each other, such as fear, judgement, insecurity, anger is there to teach us about love. Only we tend to be caught in the other story!

Access Your Inner Realms….

Our next event is 9th January with Constellations to Harmony. Do you feel held back by past events, desire to have a life of freedom? Want to change the Constellation your beliefs have created around you, this one day workshop focuses on shifting what you no longer desire. Are you ready to take action to do so?

This will be followed on 16th and 17th February by Discovering the Inner Realms…a Journey into Shamanism.

A full list of our events can be found on Creating Harmony’s Facebook page as well as web site - .

To You Enjoying the Power of 2222

Blessings to all


Author of the #1 best selling The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: A Guide to Freeing YOU to Create YOUR Life, Shamanic coach, Speaker.

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P.S. If you like what you read, share it with someone it may help, comment on it, and let me know what you think.

Author's Bio: 

Gregory Reece-Smith MBA is the #1 best-selling author of The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony ( ). He helps executives, business owners and their families overcome the mental fog created by burn out, stress and decision making fatigue.

Often experienced as physical pain and discomfort.

Providing spiritual solutions to business and personal challenges using ancient and modern tools of timeless wisdom.

To believe in themselves, their dream of what they know they can achieve. Moving beyond what others have said was out of reach.

Rather to create and live the destiny of freedom and flexible success they desire. He does this by helping to shift the beliefs that limit our lives and thus the world around us.

It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy.

The clarity of which only became apparent when he read Ted McGrath´s foreword to The Seven Secrets - “Gregory Reece-Smith is a great transformational leader serving the planet. His insights are simple, yet powerful….he also has the compassion and heart of a true leader.

As you go on this journey with Gregory, you will discover new insights and awakenings about yourself, and you will come full circle to unleash your purpose here on earth…”

For the outsider often sees what we cannot from the inside.It is coaching others to create a life beyond what they had previously thought possible that brings Gregory joy.

He has helped transform the lives of thousands of individuals as well as organisations, from fledglings to the international operations of IKEA. His blog can be found at: .