A surprisingly large number of people suffer with hormonal imbalance, and when the causes of their problem can be very different, such imbalances may have pretty similar symptoms no matter whether the person could be a man or a woman. Perhaps one amongst the most common reasons for hormonal imbalances in women is because of the onset of the menopause. The first signs of this can start surprisingly early, with few women in their 30s and 40s suffering changes which many of them feel uneasy or unhappy.

The signs of the early menopause could begin with a troubled menstrual cycle, including issues like poor sleep and a corresponding lack of energy, and issues like anemia. All of these issues could be handled with the proper sort of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

This therapy allows the body to revive its natural hormone levels without over-stocking in a area, or relying too heavily on chemical replacements. Women who select to have bio-identical hormone replacement therapy would notice the difference between trying to match the natural hormones produced within the body, instead of trying to use laboratory-created products, that may sometimes have chemicals which are toxic to some hormones.

Anything that is less well-known is the problems that men may also undergo from this drawback after 40. This can generally cause erectile dysfunction and infertility, weight gain, particularly around the 'breasts', and a related loss of muscle around the body. Such issues are down to a reduced amount of testosterone being produced, leading to these problems. Men as well as women may profit from bio-identical hormones, which are intended to resemble as closely as possible the body's normal hormones. A natural method of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy suggests that men could recover some of their lost energy and it can also be helpful for men in their forties who are trying for a baby and are concerned on their fertility levels.

Being treated using synthetic hormones is one of the most regular way to try and solve such problems, but bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can be a good solution, mainly for people who have started to experience these issues earlier than expected. For such people, while hormone replacement needs to be undertaken in the future, animal and other synthetic hormones may have a negative effect. Taking a bio-identical replacement instead may ensure that there are fewer issues with the hormone while it is being taken over a long time period.

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Independent laboratories are creating bio-identical hormones for a number of years now, and many customers like these products to the ones prescribed by their physician. In order to find out more, go to the website http://www.thehealthychoice.net today. The Healthy Choice specializes in compounding customized medications and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy to fit each patient's individual requirements. It believes in treating the whole person and the integrative approach to health care gives doctors and patients cutting edge alternatives to mainstream treatments.