All you need is a little imagination , a touch of inspiration , a dash of hope, a stir of action, and you have ignited the recipe for ingenuity in you!

Take a look at all the brilliance in the world. Each and every thing started with an idea, a brainstorm, a dream, and voila, the wonders of the world were created.

Planes, trains, boats, and automobiles were designed by an initial thought.

Pyramids, churches, towers, buildings, skyscrapers, bridges and amusement parks, etc., were built from someone’s ideas.

Paintings, sculptures, songs, poetry, movies, books , and so on, are inspired by a stirring in the soul.

You can ignite your ingenuity anywhere, anytime, and by anything.

Everyone has creativity . You may feel that you aren’t very ingenious because you aren’t doing anything special or unique, but each person has originality.

Two people can do the very same thing, but it will differ because of their own ingenuity. For instance, look at a mother and a father; they may both build a sand castle with their child but the castles will look quite different because each person’s imagination and skills vary.

You use creativity every day and may or may not even realize it.

Perhaps you are using your resourcefulness in problem solving, organizing and trouble shooting, or when you are cooking , gardening, designing, speaking or writing, etc.

You don’t have to be a famous singer, speaker, healer, photographer, designer, builder, writer, artist, poet, baker, trades-person, caregiver, etc., to be using your ingenuity.

As the saying goes, “Everyone is good at something; no one is good at everything”.

Where do you feel you are excelling personally and/or professionally in your life? Wherever you do, believe it or not you are using some form of ingenuity.

If you were to ask anyone who knows you where they feel you are using your creativity , I am sure they would be able to tell you at least one way that you are.

What are you doing when you feel the most joy?

Are you writing, taking pictures, doing a craft or project, cooking , cleaning, teaching, coaching, or mentoring? Perhaps it’s when you are playing an instrument, singing, dancing, speaking, working, or being a parent or grandparent.

Generally, when you are doing something you love, you will feel the happiest. This is a good indication that you are using the most amount of your natural or God given inspiration .

If you’re lucky, you will enjoy a number of different outlets for your creativity and find a balance of work and fun when using them so you can receive the most amount of joy from them.

What stops the flow of creativity is the underlying belief that you aren’t good enough. Don’t get hung up on always being the best. Instead, do your best and that which brings you joy.

Inspiration is everywhere. There is a whole wide glorious world out there with ample beauty , resources, and people that you can be inspired by.

With technology, you can learn just about anything so there are no excuses for not applying your creativity to further your personal and professional growth and happiness .

To me, imagination is possibilities waiting to happen and be put into action and enjoyed by you and others.

You are connected to the greatest source of ingenuity there is. You only have to be still to know the endless supply of creativity that lives in and through you.

Let your imagination soar; you never know what spark in you is waiting to be ignited.

Use these techniques to assist you in seeing how your ingenuity can be ignited and how it benefits all aspects of your life.

Author's Bio: 

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique™. She is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in uncovering and discovering their brilliance. To question and understand your thinking so you can transform what blocks and limits you from living the life you desire and deserve. Or "living your dreams".