Brain vitamins are more important than what we imagine. Many of us are aware well that nutrients and vitamins are essential for our bodies. But, very few know that what vitamins are best for the brain to work at its highest possible level. The researchers have tested the potential effect of many vitamins on the brain. If we avoid this matter then the potential of our brain may be limited and consequently enhance the danger of cognitive decline.

A lot of vitamins are meant for overall brain health. Here we shall discuss about the most effective vitamins. At first, we shall look at the antioxidants. The free radicals damage our cells. This damage becomes more as we grow older. The antioxidants help our bodies from damage done by free radicals. There are more than 50% fat tissues in our brain. This has made the brain more vulnerable to damage caused by free radicals than the other parts of the body. The intake of the high amount of antioxidants makes the oxidation process slow. Thus, it reduces the danger of negative mental side effects attached with the process of aging .

Two of the popular antioxidant vitamins for memory are Vitamin C and Vitamin E. A study by the University of Copenhagen has discovered a link to vitamin c and the improvement of spatial memory in Guinea Pigs. Our memory skills will lack the power enough without the presence of vitamin c sufficiently. Thus, we see that besides being a powerful antioxidant it has other proven positive impact on the brain.

Now, we shall look at some foods containing high quantity of these vitamins. The fruits and vegetables carry plenty of vitamin c. Some of the chief sources of this vitamin are oranges, hot chili peppers, strawberries, yellow and red bell peppers etc. Vitamin E can be derived from various foods, including seeds and nuts, and spinach, vegetable oils, broccoli. There is another vitamin which should not be thrown out of the list. It is folic acid. It is also familiar by the names of vitamin B9 and Folate. Folic acid has been proven to have reduced the risk of stroke, loss of memory and other cognitive decline. Some may think that they are very young and need not take memory vitamins. But, they are mistaken. The loss of memory can start as early as the age of 20. So, it is never too soon to begin the protection for memory loss. The folic acid is seen in citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables, beans, and whole grains. It is also observed in fortified foods, like pasta, bread and white rice.

So, if you are thinking to get the regular intake of essential vitamins for brain then vitamin E, C and B9 should get the first priority. If you are willing to retain powerful memory, then you may consider taking a glance at vitamin supplements which are proven to assist the memory and brain functions. Finally, not only taking the vitamins is enough to lead a healthy life. You should lead a routine and regular life.

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Doxiderol contains essential memory vitamins . If some people think that there is no need for vitamins for brain , they should correct their views.