Do you ever get so wrapped up in the small stuff that you forget the great blessings in your life? It’s so easy to do. We are human and we get caught up in the drama of life. It never fails for me, when I am at my lowest (or what I think is my lowest), I always come across someone that has a bigger problem than I do. I am in an analytical phase in my life where I find myself analyzing things that are happening around me and why. As I look back on my life the old phrase “Everything happens for a reason” starts to come in focus. And my favorite “what goes around, comes around”, rings true in almost every major event in my life that I wasted precious time and energy sweating over. And it didn’t come around because of anything I did, it just came around. Life has a way of coming full circle and it is amazing and perplexing to analyze. What about ”Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind”. Wow, unbelievably true. If you stir it up, it will turn into a vicious circle.

I guess my advice today is to pick your battles. What are you spending all of your energy on, what is your biggest worry right this minute? In the end, is it worth the worry? Is it going to happen anyway? Is your worry going to change anything? I know I spent years in my own personal torment. I worried, I was scared, I was angry at times. Once I was able to remove myself from the situation, I was able to see a broader perspective. I can now see that all those things were happening for a reason, to strenghthen me and prepare me for larger obstacles further down the line. Although I did not understand them at the time, now I understand. Without the fire and polishing, I would not be who I am today. Those times have turned out to be blessings. As hard as it may be right in the middle of your trouble, if you can find a lesson in the trouble, you are on the right track. What I have realized is when I didn’t learn the lesson, the lesson was presented again in a different set of events. So, if you find yourself constantly in turmoil, find the blessing.

“They have planted the wind
and will harvest the whirlwind.”
Hosea 8:7

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Author's Bio: 

I started this blog several years ago and used it to share some of the awesome “Angel Stories” that I received through e-mail, but those same stories were published on my web-site with a picture of the Angel Pin, so I didn’t get a lot of use from this blog. Today, I have decided to use this blog to write articles about the groups and organizations that use the angel pins and the rich rewards the angel pins provide.

You can still read the angel stories by visiting our web-site at

We feel very blessed to have this angel pin business and consider it a ministry of sorts. It’s amazing to realize that a little angel pin could mean so much to someone and be so cherished. It fills my heart with joy when my customers e-mail me with their reaction when they receive their angel pin or how their loved one reacted when the angel pin was presented to them as a gift.