Many know hypnoses from the more humorous acts known as stage hypnosis . Under a show like this you use the increased ability to accept suggestions caused by a hypnotic trance to alter the participants perception of what is around them. It is parallel to asking a person, deeply focused on reading a book, if you may use his cell phone. The person picks up the phone beside him and hand it to you without looking away from the book. When you tap him on the shoulder to hand it back to him, he ask where you got it from. Most people have experienced similar things i their life and when you think about it, we are capable of doing extremely complex actions without being conscious about them.

In hypnotherapy you work directly with the subconscious and unconscious mind to influence thought feelings and behavior . A hypnotheripist does not label people with a diagnosis but only look a the problems as they are experienced by the client. Under hypnoses you use the high suggestibility to work with a range of different tools for changing behavior . Tools adapted from other types of therapy or techniques developed specifically for analysis and therapy under hypnosis . This makes hypnotherapy very effective in producing long term results. Most minor disorders can be removed with 1-3 sessions and nearly everybody will feel changes instantly. But hypnosis is build on trust and its important to establish a good relationship hypnotist and client in between to ensure the suggestions sticks. Is this connection made and are the suggestions given at the right level of trance, the results will be remarkable.

*hypnoses is generally not recommend for people who suffer from psychosis, that have an IQ below 70 or children under 6-7 (according to maturity).

Author's Bio: 

Brian Snitgaard -

Hypnotisor offering hypnose Vejle