There are many ways to try and kick the smoking habit, but few make it easier to accomplish than hypnosis . Sure, it still requires a desire to quit smoking and some motivation to get healthier. But if you're ready, hypnosis might just be the perfect tool for you to become smoke free for life.

More and more people are turning to alternative methods to achieve better health and wellness . Especially after trying to quit with traditional methods, many become frustrated and begin to search for additional ways to help them quit. Often, this is when hypnosis is discovered as an option. Over the years, thousands of people have quit smoking with hypnosis. Stories of success can be found from every walk of life--from reports of celebrities like Matt Damon and Aaron Eckhart using hypnosis to quit smoking to a retired 60-year-old, 3 pack-a-day smoker, finally becoming free after 45 years of cigarettes. (think of the savings alone!) It doesn't matter who you are, or how long you've been smoking, you can quit.

Even if you've tried to quit cold turkey, used the patch or medication without success---there's always hope. It doesn't have to be a struggle. Hypnosis works well for most people who are willing to learn how to use it. In fact, many clients report the relative ease of learning hypnosis and implementing the techniques into their every day lives. Often, there are improvements in other areas of their lives, as well. So, even if your only goal is to quit smoking, you might find yourself experiencing less stress or eating healthier, too! All benefits of mind body techniques, like hypnosis, that are easy to learn and highly effective.

Why does hypnosis work so well? Hypnosis targets the true source of many imbalances in life---your subconscious mind. Much of what you belief or hold in the computer of your mind is nothing more than a perception, and one that often works against your best interests. For example, if you've been smoking for 10 years, there's almost definitely a subconscious "program" that will work against your efforts to become a non-smoker. Why? Because for 10 years that program has been fed and groomed to operate on the belief, "I am a smoker". So it order to get full cooperation from your mind, it's important to change the subconscious programming. Otherwise, you'll be battling against yourself and probably not get very far. In a battle of wills, the subconscious mind almost always wins. This is where hypnosis comes into play.

Hypnosis is a state of relaxation that allows you to calm the conscious mind in order to reach the deeper, or subconscious, part of your mind. There, true change and transformation can take place. The subconscious mind is where most of your problems exist. Doesn't it make sense to tackle a problem at its source? (ie. hypnosis) Instead of just trying to redecorate how it shows up in your life? (ie. medications or replacement nicotine)

Once the decision is made to quit, hypnosis can make becoming a non-smoker easier than it would be otherwise. It can reduce or eliminate cravings and irritability, strengthen your motivation and resolve, and give you tools for lasting success.

There are many downloads available online for smoking cessation, but people often report that seeing a professional hypnotherapist makes a huge difference.

Either way, hypnosis is definitely worth considering. Your health and wallet will thank you.

Author's Bio: 

Vicki Harding, C.Ht. has been a Certified Hypnotherapist in the Phoenix Metro, Arizona area since 2000. She received her certification from the Atwood Institute for Research & Education after completing a full 300 hour program which included over 80 hours of hands-on client interaction and hypnosis sessions. Since then Vicki has worked with thousands of happy clients with the goal of helping them reach their full potential and obtain authentic empowerment. You can find her at