Hypnosis has long been used as a therapeutic method of reducing stress, particularly when that stress results in psychological dysfunctions. Hypnosis makes one uniquely open to suggestion, making it possible for a hypnotherapist to treat a wide range of psychological conditions through the use of the treatment.

Hypnosis as a therapeutic tool has provided tons of useful research for practitioners. Some of these practitioners have worked to master the practice of self hypnosis , a meditative like practice during which an individual is able to reach a hypnotic state without the presence or guidance of a hypnotherapist.

Through self hypnosis you can achieve an advanced state of relaxation in which everyday stressors melt away. By eliminating these stressors and focusing on your own internal strength, you are able to better arm yourself for dealing with those same stressors when they present themselves again.

Self hypnosis can be used to eliminate bad habits and behavioral patterns. It can aid in building self esteem . Hypnosis can also be a powerful tool in fight or warding off illness, improving sleep patterns, building motivation to achieve goals, and even improving memory function.

The common western thought process as it relates to hypnosis is one of skepticism, with many disbelieving that it is a legitimate practice that can be of any real benefit. Still others believe it is a dangerous practice, largely due to the hypnotized individual’s susceptibility to suggestion. While it’s true that in the wrong hands hypnosis can be dangerous, guided self hypnosis is a practice that can make real and lasting positive change possible in your life.

Hypnosis works through the power of the subconscious. Through self hypnosis you can implant healthier ways of dealing with everyday stressors. When these stressors present themselves in daily life you will be better armed to deal with them in a healthy and calm manner.

The subconscious mind is more powerful than we might realize. It can influence our actions and reactions, all without use realizing that it is doing so. By changing the manner in which our subconscious processes certain kinds of stressors, we are able to improve the way we deal with the difficult challenges of everyday life.

Through mental imagining and other types of advanced self hypnosis techniques you can teach yourself how to use hypnosis as a method of achieving extreme relaxation . The ability to achieve such a state can help you live a happier and less stressful life even when not in a hypnotic trance.

During self hypnosis you suspend your critical thinking. You open your mind and make it possible to install positive and healthy thoughts into your own subconscious mind.
Before beginning a hypnotic session you will prepare a list of affirmations or mantras. During your hypnosis you will repeat these suggestions to yourself. Through the process of repetition you install these healthy thoughts into the subconscious.
In the same way that meditation allows you to achieve a healthier overall state of being, self hypnosis can help improve your general wellness , emotional health and spiritual state. By honing your own internal strength you are able to more effectively deal with all sorts of everyday challenges.

If you're interested in learning more about how stress relief hypnosis can improve your life, continue reading here: http://www.hypnotranquility.com/articles/self-hypnosis-technique/stress-...

Author's Bio: 

Since the mid 1980′s, Steve G. Jones has dedicated his life to hypnosis and helping people lead better and more incredible lives. The breadth of his knowledge is wide and for over 20 years, he’s helped clients with almost any condition you can name: weight loss, anxiety, smoking cessation, exam taking, phobias, anger management, pain control, business and sales confidence, and many others.

So if you’ve ever dreamed about taking control of your life, living your dreams, and channeling your energy and focus towards fulfillment, abundance, confidence, and happiness, Steve is ready to help you.

Studying at the University of Florida in the 1980s, Steve completed his degree with a focus on cognitive psychology and understanding how people learn. However his experiences have since expanded greatly and Steve is now a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and counseling, a master’s degree in education, and is now completing his doctorate in education at Georgia Southern University.

Steve’s practice has taken him into business settings, medical and psychological circumstances, and a variety of other difficult situations where he has helped individuals and groups overcome their limitations, fears, pains, and problems.

He has also worked extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best in a highly competitive market.

Currently, Steve is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy.