When we say these words, “ I Wish…” we believe that we are creating, but in truth these words are usually spoken with feelings of lack. What we have learned from the book “ The Secret ” is the fact that we should have thoughts and visualizations that can help keep our focus on what we want.

In my practice of Yoga Therapy, which not only deals with the physical body, but also deals with the mind and spirit, I find many clients who come to me and tell me that they no longer believe what they read in this book “ The Secret ” because they wish they had all these things but they do not show up.

I explain that they must be misinterpreting the information. One must be mentally aware of what they are feeling when they are using these words. I then begin my series of probing questions in my facilitation process to help the clients come to the realization that it is the words they are using that can create a climate of poverty within the mind. We are taught from a very young age that the words “ I wish” bring about visualizations that generally help us to create the world we want. In accordance with this we see words that tell us “ Dare to dream”. The problem with this is that we are not instructed in how to use these words with the right feelings.
Consequently, when we invoke these words we must be careful that we are not invoking them along with feelings of lack. If you really think about it when we say
“I wish…” usually we are entrenched in feelings of lack. In other words we are wishing things we want with an awareness of things we don’t have.

When I ask my clients to say “I wish…” no matter what it is, whether they finish the sentence with material things or ethereal things or things of the heart in mind. After about one minute of this they become very sad and I see the clients begin to get into the feelings or emotions of lack. When they are in this feeling, I ask them to begin to speak slower and give me a verbal measure of how they are feeling. Inevitably they all begin to realize that sometime during this dreaming or wishing process they have slipped into the feeling of lack. This is counter productive because when the feeling of lack is present the universe, which is always generous, responds to your feelings of lack with opportunities to have more feelings of lack. Like attracts like.As soon as I have the clients focus on this, a light bulb turns on and we can then begin to change the attraction.

It is a magnetic energetic pull. What we feel embedded in what we think becomes the main thrust of our point of attraction. This is the true key of the laws of universe. We must be fully aware of how we are feeling when we are speaking and thinking.

Try this test, begin to say the words “I wish” (Fill in the blank) keep doing this for approximately one minute. During this process focus your attention on how you are feeling when you do this, if you begin to have the feeling of lack or wishing you had because you don’t have, Stop! Regroup! Begin to think about all the positive things that you could do with what it is you are wishing for and you will immediately begin to feel the difference. You will begin to feel good, positive and inevitably you will begin to smile. It is at that moment that the creation process of manifestation becomes positive, creating a very strong positive energetic pull. You will begin to manifest what you want to see in your life. You have a divine right to prosperity and there is enough abundance for everyone!

Author's Bio: 

Marti Angel, MA "America's Health and Expert Lifestyle Coach" Marti is an Ordained Minister, Author, Yoga Professor, 500 RYT,Certified Yoga Therapist, Reiki Master level 3, Certified WATSU water therapist, Certified Meditation Instructor, Certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor, Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist FDN, Certified Nutraceutical Consultant, Certified Health/Lifestyle Coach, Motivational Speaker and founder of the number one alternative therapies site on the web http://www.angelhealthinc.com Yoga site, http://www.theomdiva.com , blog http://www.martiangel.com