One of the most important parts of any business is marketing. The size of the business doesn’t matter as every business needs a good marketing campaign to thrive and prosper. If done the right way, marketing can make a business organization successful and if not then there are various business organizations that have failed because of this.
Now, there are many strategies and techniques used by business organizations for marketing. If you categorize marketing approaches into two main types then there are 1) Traditional marketing and 2) Modern marketing. Traditional marketing techniques include proven and tested techniques that have been used by business organizations over the years. Whereas, modern marketing techniques have started being used quietly recently as compared to the traditional ways. Marketing done through digital platforms falls under the umbrella of modern marketing techniques.
If you look at marketing a little closer you will realize that there is more to the way marketing can be done. There are two main approaches to marketing. The two approaches are known as

1) Passive marketing2) Active marketing

Now, these approaches can be used in both types of marketing both modern and traditional.

Passive Marketing:

Passive marketing is a much cleverer way of engaging target audiences. In passive marketing, a business organization basically makes use of the already existing demand of the target audience by providing them valuable information that they are looking for. The best example for this can be taken through content marketing where users who might be searching for information regarding different problems online and end up reading blogs or articles which provide them the necessary information with a solution that nudges them in the right direction by giving them viable product options.

Content Marketing:

Content marketing, a passive approach towards marketing, fall under digital marketing, and focusses on delivering solutions to people’s problems through valuable information. There are numerous ways in which businesses design their content to engage their target audiences. Some of the most powerful ways used for content marketing are as follows:


As we all know Wikipedia is a well-known platform that aims to provide information to people all over the world and charges absolutely nothing for it. Due to free information available on this platform, it has a massive traffic volume, and business organizations and marketers see this as an opportunity to create awareness about themselves and their products in their target audience. Many businesses also create a Wikipedia page to increase their credibility and along with that their online visibility as well. Wikipedia pages have also helped countless businesses, both big and small, to increase their web traffic, boost their SEO rankings, and increase their conversion rates. Undoubtedly, out of all the tools used for passive marketing Wikipedia has turned out to be one of the most effective tools for business organizations.


Another very effective tool for passive marketing is blogging. This is a way through which marketers use written content, designed in a way that is more or less very conversational and it has proven to be very easy for readers to connect with such content. Blogs are also used to provide valuable content to the target audience which might help the readers solve their problems.

Active Marketing:

Just brushing up about what active marketing is, active marketing, as the name suggests, requires action. It requires a business organization to make connections and increase its network by working with other individuals and businesses to create a favorable environment for themselves. Active marketing is very obviously measured and goal-oriented. It takes considerable amounts of time, money, and energy for using this approach of marketing. It inculcates within itself meeting with customers, vendors, retailers, and target audiences face to face. Telemarketing is a very good example of active marketing, where the business organization reaches its audience personally and talks to them to convince them to take the desired action. This approach of marketing can basically be seen as a driving force which a business uses patiently to pull customers towards their products or services. This approach is used to create demand in people who might not even have the need for the product previously.

Author's Bio: 

Oscar Shepherd is a Creative Graphics Designer & Digital Marketer by his profession. He also uses to write his opinions on different topics.