To unblock the nose in 1-2 minutes, as about 200 Russian medical doctors have proven, is possible for up to 90% of patients suffering from chronic nose problem, sinusitis, rhinitis, asthma, and other respiratory conditions. These doctors have been teaching the Buteyko breathing therapy so that to increase body oxygenation naturally for treatment (complete clinical remission or cure) or many chronic diseases ranging from asthma and heart diseases to diabetes and cancer.

Practical actions

Pinch your nostrils and start walking fast with your nose pinched and your mouth closed all the time. You will likely be able to make around 20-30 steps. While walking, you should hold your breath until a strong urge to breathe. Then sit down with your spine totally straight and focus on your breath. After you release your nose, resume your usual breathing (not big one) and keep the mouth closed all the time. Hence, instead of taking a big inhalation, take a smaller inhale and then relax all muscles for exhalation, especially upper chest and other respiratory muscles. Make another (shorter) inhale and again relax. With each inhalation, practice this reduced breathing while remaining relaxed. Your purpose is to maintain air hunger for about 2-3 min with total relaxation of body muscles. The breathing can be frequent during this reduced breathing or shallow breathing but this is OK.

If later your breathing becomes heavy, your nose will get blocked again. Then you can repeat this exercise , boost your body CO2 level and resume nasal breathing.

How to do this exercise during sleep (at night)

Do the exercise while lying on your left side or chest and relax all bodily muscles. Pinch your nostrils and follow the above instructions related to breath hold and shallow breathing so that to get a quick relief. You will feel better in the morning if you sleep with nasal breathing. Prevent sleeping on your back with the manual "How to Prevent Sleeping on One's Back" (see the links below). If you have doubts about optimal sleeping postures, visit the web page (in the resource box below with tens of medical studies).

Ineffective breathing causes blocked nose (sinusitis)

Our unconscious breath pattern has powerful effects on cell oxygenation and blood supply to all tissues. For example, mouth breathing affects hundreds of physiological processes and reactions in the human body. Sleeping on one's back makes breathing almost 2 times bigger (in terms of minute ventilation) reducing body oxygenation and leading to mouth breathing, sleep apnea, anxiety , panic attacks, headaches, hypertension, blood sugar abnormalities, and other problems.

34 medical research studies measured breathing rates (minute ventilation) in the sick people at rest and found that their breathing was too heavy. Overbreathing (or hyperventilation) or breathing more than the tiny medical norm REDUCES body oxygen content due to vasoconstriction (less blood supply for all vital organs due to CO2 deficiency) and the suppressed Bohr effect (less oxygen released in tissues by red blood cells due to the same cause: low CO2).

If one retrains his or her automatic breathing pattern, so that after their usual exhalation, they can easily hold their breath for 20 or more s (no stress at all) 24/7, their problems with sinusitis or rhinitis (blocked nose) will disappear. This is the main test of the Buteyko breathing method. Note that the test is done after usual exhalation and without any stress at the end of the test.

Hence, the ultimate solution to the problem with a blocked nose is to acquire normal breathing parameters 24/7 so that to maintain good body oxygenation all the time. Thus, breathing retraining is necessary. More info about breathing retraining methods and techniques is provided on web pages of this website.

There are many lifestyle factors that have a profound effect on our body oxygenation and basal breathing pattern. For example, mouth breathing can reduce body oxygenation almost two times. These factors can make our breathing heavier (deeper and faster) or lighter (shallower and slower) depending on choices we made.

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Unblock the Nose Naturally in 2-3 min (Breathing Exercise) (Practical techniques and permanent solutions)

Breathing Techniques provides overview of the main features (authors, publications, patents, health conditions addressed, number of students, and presence of clinical trials) for most popular breathing techniques including Hatha Yoga, Buteyko breathing method, Frolov device, Resperate respiratory-guided device and Strelnikova breathing gymnastic.

Artour Rakhimov's has hundreds of medical studies, quotes, graphs, tables, manuals, free breathing exercises and much more for our better health.