Our beauty signifies in our hair, face and skin. Everyone wants to have clear skin, long and shiny hairs, and a slim body. But many of us are not doing any efforts to get all this. During this lock down, we get a chance to start a self-care routine to have everything that we desire.

During this Corona-virus time, it is not safe to go outside and meet people as we have to follow the mantra of social distancing. But with some simple efforts, we can maintain our personal hygiene to stay healthy and fit.

Hair is our representative of beauty ; we should never underestimate it in any case. Take the benefit of the opportunity that locked us all in our home to be a better version of ourselves.

Many people think that they are washing their hair at regular intervals, this means they are keeping their hair healthy. But only this is not sufficient to have healthy, shiny, and long hairs. Here, we will discuss some tips with which you can take care of your hair during this lock down.

7 Essential Tips to Take Care of Your Hair in This Lock-down

1. Give your hair a massage :As our body requires massaging, our hair too need an oil massage . You can use hot oil to provide nourishment to your hair. The oil massage is very helpful in keeping your hair healthy.

2. Home spa:If you can’t go outside to get a hair spa, then you can do it at your home too. You must provide your hair with a regular hair spa by using a hot towel. You can dip the towel in hot water and then cover your hair with the towel and keep it for some time and then rinse your hairs.

3. Using a shampoo is not sufficient:You must use a natural hair mask, like egg or curd, etc in your hair to maintain your healthy hair and this is for all those who think that shampoo is enough.

4. Use hair serums:You can even use hair serums to have tangle-free and shiny hair.

5. Avoid blow dryers as much as you can:During this lock-down, when we are not going anywhere then you must avoid using any heating appliance on your hair. Try to dry your hair naturally rather than using dryers. They will make your hairs internally weak and lead to heavy hair fall.

6. Don’t comb your hair, if wet:It is always advisable, not to comb your wet hair. Try to comb your hair when they are dried up. Now, if you don’t have to go anywhere in a hurry, so stop combing yours if wet.

7. Use a hair mask:You must prepare a hair mask with all the natural ingredients to give your hair natural nourishment. You can use eggs, curd, Aloe Vera, lemon, oils in your hair mask.

So, these are the following tips that will be helpful for you to take proper care of your hair during this lock-down. You must take benefit of staying at your home by following a proper self-care routine for your hair as well as for your skin.

Eating the right healthy food and doing exercise also helps to promote a strong hair growth cycle.

This article is an informational purpose only.

Author's Bio: 

Paramjit Singh is a well experienced online personal Fitness Coach and nutrition specialist who has helped transform hundreds of clients by scientific training and nutrition programs also a health and fitness blogger.