There are various ways to get your head round this one. The premise is all based on adjusting your mindset to it.

1. Who do you think you are anyway?

So why do you think other people are bothered about what you’re saying or doing anyway? They have their own lives to lead, their own problems, their own insecurities. Your interaction in their life is most likely to have the tiniest amount of significance in comparison to those. Realise that and your actions are far less likely to be such a big deal to you too.

"We would worry less about what others think of us if we realized how seldom they do." - Ethel Barrett

2. Trying to impress is going to create the worst impression.

If you’re trying to say or do the right thing all the time, you will be forever stunting your natural expression and will come across as either a non-personality or a bit strange! It’s better just to say what you think and be natural – people are far more likely to accept you than if you analyse everything before you say it.

3. Challenge your imagination

OK so you are thinking you might like to do a certain thing but then you start to think “oh I can’t do that because everyone would think X or Z” … how do you know that? That’s some imagination you’ve got there! Not everybody thinks alike as if they did, you wouldn’t be worried in the first place – your own theory counteracts itself. Admit it, you have no idea what others think! You might NOT be doing something you want to do because you are afraid of what people would think about you but in actual fact, they are wondering why you’re not doing it. The moral here is that you might as well do what you want at the end of the day because you really do have no idea what they’re going to think anyway.

4. Don’t worry that you still care…

If you didn’t care at all about how people thought about you, you might actually have a psychological illness or autistic tendencies.

You can still care about other’s opinions to some degree BUT if it means that your life is a misery, you never do what you would like to do or if it is making you constantly frustrated, frightened or upset, then it’s got to go!

Go live YOUR life, don't try and live everyone elses.

Author's Bio: 

Jan Moss has been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and is now specializing in online marketing.

She has three main goals in life:-

1. To help as many people achieve the life of their dreams via the power of the internet

2. To help to save at least one endangered species before she dies

3. To set up the Secret Philanthropy Society which will help people in need without them knowing how or where the aid came from

Her blog above aims to achieve all three in time and a lot of her posts are self-development, motivational which is why she was attracted to this community.