Brainwave entrainment is an easy way to access the frequency of your subconscious mind, which is where you need to go if you wish to achieve your goals in an effective manner.
The subconscious mind controls 98% of your perception and behaviour. This unconscious part of your mind processes information billions of times faster than your conscious mind and pretty much influences whether or not you will be successful in achieving your goals.
Your conscious awareness is the tip of an iceberg, metaphorically speaking, that is sticking out of the water and the submerged part is your subconscious, unconscious mind that motivates you and determines your reactions and behaviour.
You never consciously know all the variables concerning why you will or will not achieve a goal.
If you can align your conscious intentions with your subconscious mind, your life's blueprint, you will achieve your goals.
Brainwave entrainment will entrain your dominant brainwave frequency to the specific vibrational frequency that will allow you to plant and ingrain your new goals. You can retrain or reprogram the subconscious and create a new state of mind.
Setting Goals Using Brainwave Entrainment
1. Choose an entrainment that allows you to access the subconscious mind. Wear headphones, regardless of whether you use isochronic tones or binaural beats. Doing so will make the experience more effective.
2. Determine your goals. Keep them simple and clear. It is best to do one goal at a time.
3. Allow yourself to follow the tones or beats until your state of consciousness begins to change (about 6 or 7 minutes into the recording).
4. In this state, think of your goal. Visualize it. Visualize yourself after you have achieved this goal. Feel it, taste it, smell it, hear it, touch it.
5. Visualize for as long as you can. Make a movie of your realized goal, in the present moment. The subconscious mind doesn't know what is real or not real, and always acts in the present moment. You must believe and impress the mind that you have already achieved your goal, right now, in the moment.
6. The only way to change the programming in your mind, is to communicate with the subconscious in its own language-which is one of images and emotions.
7. As you visualize and emotively feel your goal, new neural pathways will start developing in your gray matter.
8. It takes 30 days for a habit to be permanently ingrained into your brain.
9. Use an entrainment for 30 days and your new goal will become a permanent network in your gray matter, becoming your new default-your natural go-to point.
Setting goals and actually achieving them is a lot easier and more effective when you access your subconscious mind with brainwave entrainment.
Entrainment can make your goal a permanent part of your new, improved life.
Change your blueprint. Clear limited thought patterns and revel in the power of love and gratitude so that you can receive the abundance you so rightly desire.
Take advantage of a technology, brainwave entrainment, that can easily access and maintain the frequency required to communicate with your inner child, clear those blockages, and re-write your blueprint.

Author's Bio: 

Wanina Petlock works in the medical field, specializing in end of life care. She is a reiki master and a birth and death doula, and is very acquainted with energy work, both present and distance. Over twenty years ago, Wanina started using a clinically proven audio technology called brainwave entrainment to help her meditate because she didn't have the time to devote to a rigourous practice. She has investigated all the different applications for this powerful therapy and found it easy, fast, and effective . Brainwave entrainment has been scientifically proven to be one of the better therapies for panic anxiety disorder, substance abuse, ulcers, colitis, chronic pain, psoriasis, hypertension, prevention of heart attack, prevention of hardening of the arteries, arthritis, fibromyalgia, cancer, insomnia, migraine, the prevention of stroke, allergies, asthma, Parkinson's disease, fatigue, chronic pain, and multiple sclerosis. It has also been found to expand your state of consciousness and awaken latent psychic abilities.
Not sure what brainwave entrainment is, or how a session might work on you? Check out and download two full length FREE brainwave entrainment mp3 recordings, one to help you DECOMPRESS from anxiety and one to induce a TRANCE state so you can explore a deeper state of consciousness, where you can connect with your psychic ability, deceased loved ones, spirit guides, your higher self or the Creative Intelligence.
Wanina Petlock, founder of Waverider Emporium, invites you to discover how easy it is to manifest, solve, and create,using specially designed brainwave entrainment recordings, that are based on over 70 years of accumulated brainwave entrainment investigation. Waverider has researched scientific journals and clinical studies to develop the most effective products possible, to help you enhance and change your life, in ways that are unimaginable.