I work in acute addiction with clients who have lost everything to the perils of drugs and alcohol. I work with people who have surrendered their families, their dreams , and their sanities- all for a short rush of serotonin and dopamine. While motivation undoubtedly matters in one's success, it isn't always fixed. It waxes and wanes, like any other state, and it's one that deserves our focus and attention.

Losing your motivation from time to time is normal. We're all human, and life can certainly become challenging and distracting. However, it's up to you to restore that depletion.

How to do it?

Break it down into teeny tiny steps: Too many people become overwhelmed by the big picture. And that's because it's well, big!

When you can transform large goals into smaller, manageable feats, you open the possibility for restored faith and optimism. Suddenly, it seems easier to accomplish significant tasks.

PS: Just showing up can be half the equation, so never negate the importance of that step.

Celebrate the small successes: Most of us focus on the huge wins. We hold back on praise and validation until we cross that proverbial finish line. Then, if we're lucky, we might give ourselves some recognition.

Stop waiting for the finish line! For one, there might not be a solid finish line. And for two, you deserve better. Focus on the gratitude behind smaller, quieter wins, even if they represent the smallest milestones in the journey. We work well when we feel praised- this charges our motivation , and that's what we're looking to restore!

Act As If: This is a common intervention in psychotherapy. I ask my clients to act as if they're motivated. That means doing the work- even if the feeling isn't there cheering you along.

It means taking on the Nike stance of just do it- even if every morsel in your body is protesting.

The mind grows like a muscle. We create habits and routines- they don't fall into our laps randomly- the more we can reinforce an individual choice, the more it becomes second nature.

Author's Bio: 

Nicole is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, owner/founder of Soul of Therapy, and freelance mental health writer. Check out her work on souloftherapy.com