A surgery - whether minor or major - can affect the condition of one’s mind and body. If you have a surgery on schedule, you would want to be prepared for it. Surgery preparations, including physical preparation and having a positive attitude and mindset, will greatly help you overcome any fear and positively impact your recovery.

So, how to prepare for surgery?

Physical Preparation

Running or engaging in any sports can be taxing, both physically and emotionally. Preparing for surgery is similar to training for a race. There can be many things to do before surgery to equip your mind and body for a challenge.

To prepare for surgery, it is important that you:
Consume healthy foods as your body needs to be strong for surgery. A surgery means there will be an intrusion into your body, so infection can possibly happen. Good nutrition can boost your immune system to fight infection and will further help your body heal and recover faster. Remember, pre-operation is not a good time to follow a certain fad diet !
Make sure to drink at least 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Dehydration can impede wound healing process.
Exercise regularly when getting ready for surgery. After surgery, your physical activity will be limited, which increases the risk of developing blood clots. Walking at least 30 minutes a day is recommended, or if you have hobbies that you regularly do (like swimming or jogging), continue to perform them.
Follow the doctor’s orders on what to do before surgery, as well as the post-operative instructions, including performing the post-operative exercises he/she has recommended during your hospital stay and even after discharge. These exercises vary depending on your surgery and the location of your wound.
Refrain from waxing or shaving when prepping for surgery. Make sure not to shave or wax your abdomen, thighs, and around the vagina for not less than one week before your scheduled operation. Moreover, do not shave underarms prior to breast surgery as the razor can cause minor abrasion or cut which can increase the risk of acquiring a wound infection. If an operation requires hair to be removed, a healthcare professional preparing patient for surgery will do it using special clippers.
Learn how to prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE) by following the treatment plan ordered by your doctor after assessing your risk of DVT. The plan may include the following:
Ceasing certain medications prior to surgery.
Taking prescribed pre- and post-operative medications to prevent blood clots. Some medications for the same purpose may also be prescribed for when you are discharged.

Emotional and Mental Preparation

Before surgery, whether it be medical, cosmetic or plastic surgery , feelings of anxiety and fear are valid. However, you must remember that anxiety plays a crucial role in the success or failure of your operation. That is why surgery preparation should not only address your physical body; it is also critical to ready your mind for the experience.

Emotionally- and mentally-wise, you can prep for surgery by:
Adopting a positive thinking
Learning about pain management post-surgery
Performing some relaxation exercises such as deep breathing and mindfulness meditation
Using visualisation and guided imagery
Raising your questions and sharing your thoughts and concerns with your doctor
Reviewing the doctor’s last-minute instructions

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Edgar at Phoenix-Pop. Hobbyist and pro-healthy choices, fitness and lifestyle.