Article Title: How to Make a Million - THINK like a Millionaire (Part One)
Submitted by: Craig Lock Category (key words): Success, Self Help, Personal Growth, Positive Thinking, Attitude, Wealth, Money, Million. Web Sites: Other Articles are available at: and
(Personal growth, self help , writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig!)
Publishing Guidelines: We hope that the following piece may be informative and helpful to your e-zine readers, or on your web site. This article may be freely reproduced electronically or in print. If it helps others "out there" on the pathway to success, then we're very happy.
"We share what we know, so that you and your money may grow."
"Money can't buy you happiness . But it helps you to be miserable in comfort."
This article incorporates thoughts and extracts from Craig's three money books , THE MAD MONEY BOOK, HOW TO MAKE A MILLION and STEPS TO SUCCESS, PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS.
Becoming a millionaire starts with one word... DESIRE. You have to REALLY want wealth and prosperity ... for whatever end (reason) YOU want.
Then you have to really BELIEVE that you can achieve it one day... no matter how deep in the "brown stuff" you may be!
Here are a few misconceptions about millionaires:
Myth Number 1: Millionaires work 10 times as hard as the ordinary man in the street.
Myth Number 2: Millionaires are more intelligent and better educated than you and me.
Myth Number 3: Honest people don't get rich.
Myth Number 4: You need money to make money.
You may be surprised to learn that most millionaires have "begged and borrowed" to get started. Some have even been bankrupt and fired (there's a glimmer of hope for me then!)
Financial prosperity and a fulfilling, well-lived life are goals we can all achieve -- if we understand the principles of success.
The main attraction of money is the FREEDOM to choose your desired lifestyle. Earning a great deal of money should not be for it's own sake. I really believe that most people are too busy earning a living to stop and think about how they could get rich and solve their money problems... and that is the reason haven't been able to do so.
Have you ever stopped to think through your particular situation? Here are some ideas to help you get started on the road to TRUE financial freedom . Look at each one and apply them to your individual situation.
Thinking is the hardest work one can do... which is why so few people do it!
Millionaires love their occupations. Work is leisure, a hobby. Most millionaires continue working long after they become wealthy.
First, find an idea or concept (one that leads to the birth of a PRODUCT) - one that people really want and that can help make their lives easier in some way. (I provide information about how to better manage your money and I love helping people.)
Don't give yourself a choice, an exit. Put your "back to the wall" and "burn the bridges behind you." (I didn't have many other options here in "Sleepy Hollow," so I used the powers of my creative imagination to the absolute fullest.)
Your seemingly insurmountable problem can become the greatest opportunity for your achievement . Make the most of it!
Ordiniary people, who find themselves in extraordinary situations and who possess extra-ordinary (enough "ordinaries and extra-ordinaries there in that sentence, now Craig) amounts of determination can achieve wonders. I truly believe people can overcome obstacles, rise to any occasion, and accomplish their entire dream with enough faith and commitment...after finding and following his dream for many years (at least he thinks so!). * ACQUIRE THE MENTALITY, the MINDSET OF A MILLIONAIRE
Most people don't believe there are secrets to wealth -- they believe rich people are just "lucky." Most people don't believe they can ever become rich.
It all starts with DESIRE.. DESIRE to be financially independant and perhaps even wealthy. I believe having substantial amounts of money gives one choices and I would like to use it one day for good to HELP other needy people, like "promising aspiring" writers.
Here's a joke or two about writers...
What's the difference between a writer and a family pizza? A: The pizza can feed a family of four!
What's the definition of an aspiring author? A waiter!
Sorry waiters!
"Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal." - Pamela Vaull Starr
"You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true." - Richard Bach
Craig Lock ("Information and Inspiration Distributor, Incorrigible Encourager and People-builder") About the author: In his "work" of studying the workings of the infinite dimensions of the human mind, Craig hopes to help, encourage, motivate, uplift and perhaps even inspire people to be their best through realising their full potentials.
The various books that "Craig felt inspired to write" are available at: + "Writers should also be businesspeople, but then any business-person would have the good sense not to become a writer."
End of Part One

Article Title: Seven "Secrets/Tips" to Becoming a Millionaire (from the Oprah Winfrey Show) Submitted by: Craig Lock Category/Subject: Money, Money Management, Financial Security Million, Millionaire, Wealth, achieving wealth Web Sites: : and Other Articles are available at: and (Personal growth, self help , writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management) Publishing Guidelines: We hope that the following article may be informative and helpful to your e-zine readers, or on your web site. If it helps others "out there" in any way, then we're happy. This article (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print. "We share what we know, so that you and your money may grow." *
Introduction: These thoughts are extracted from the book THE MILLIONAIRE NEXT DOOR, as seen on Oprah Winfrey's fine show from some years back, which I watch regularly (enough free advertising for her - she doesn't need it!). The research for the book was done on people with a net worth of over a million dollars (3.5 million households in America, apparently). I've written this piece in point form for brevity.
* Portrait of a millionaire:
* 86 of millionaires are first generation - the money is not inherited.
* Accumulating wealth takes a long time. Most wealthy people don't reach millionaire status until age 50. A glimmer of hope for me then!
^ Two thirds of millionaires are self employed. A bit more hope for me then!
* Many were "C-students", not A's.
* Quite a number were told to take the journey of self employment. I believe doing this makes people much stronger. There is "no parachute in the journey of life".
* Most millionaires live on less than 7 percent of their wealth. They take 15 - 20 percent of their pre-tax income to live; thus living way beneath their means. Most of them drive a Ford And not a Cadillac or Mercedes Benz. They usually don't have overseas trips, own luxury cars and new suits. The authors found that most millionaires went to public schools - not private ones. 81 percent buy their cars and don't lease them.
If $35000-$43000 is the median net worth, many aim to have 6 months salary as a reserve/emergency fund. However, many people can't afford to miss even a week of work. The majority of people are three pay-checks short of bankruptcy.
We live in a culture, where less time is committed to service. Add value, be exceptional in the delivery of your product or service at all times. *
1. Live well below your means and be frugal.
Have a budget - know how much you spend on food, clothing and housing.
Many people spend +- 20 hours per month planning and managing their incomes (1/30th of age X income).
1. can live for 16 years off their capital - it's a shift in lifestyle.
2. Make achieving financial independence a priority in their lives.
3. Do not accept a substantial economic contribution from their parents.
4. As adults, they encourage their children to become self sufficient.
5. They have a clear vision of where their lives (including the financial area) are headed
6. Are good at targeting OPPORTUNITIES in any business: whether it's scrap metal, garbage disposal, junk, waste management, or cleaning buildings. There is even a billionaire making candles.
Finally...and most importantly,
7. they choose the right occupation - the sooner, the better. Hope I've made the right choice then!
I hope that these tips may be helpful to you in achieving financial succcess and perhaps even wealth, if that's what you really want in life. Shared by Craig Lock (Eagle Productions Books )
P.S: Even if you never achieve material wealth in the "real world". you can still be a "millionaire in spirit"... and that's far more important.
About the Author: Craig has worked for "many moons" in the financial services industry (in the days when he had a "proper job")...before becoming a writer. He has studied and written extensively on money matters: articles, brochures for financial institutions and books. +
Don't worry about the world ending today... as it's already tomorrow in little scenic and tranquil New Zealand

Article Title: Sharing Some Hints in Making the Most Use of your Mortgage (Housing Loan) Author Name: Craig Lock Category (key words): Financial Success, Personal Finance, Mortgage, Money, Money Management, Financial Independance Web Sites: and Other Articles are available at: and (Personal growth, self help , writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management)
Publishing Guidelines: We hope that the following article may be informative and helpful to your e-zine readers, or on your web site. If it helps others "out there" in any way, then we're happy. This article (as with all my articles) may be freely published, electronically or in print. "We share what we know, so that you and your money may grow." * SOME HINTS ON HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MORTGAGE (HOUSING BOND)
Author's Note: This short extract is a chapter in Craig Lock's booklet 'MASTER YOUR MORTGAGE*... OR IT WILL MASTER YOU' that he wrote for South African financial institutions "many many moons" ago however, the same financial principles apply around the world). Those were the "heady" days when he had a "proper job in the corporate world", instead of being an "arty-farty writer type"! * (or housing loan or bond, as it is termed in South Africa). * No-one can foretell the future, but in choosing a bond try to think of the future in your unfolding life. For example, a newly-wed couple could run trial scenarios through their heads. This could include the financial impact of the arrival of a first child in, say, three years time. It could alse be the possibility of increasing payments following a salary rise, or your partner returning to the workforce after a period of study.
Remember that YOU, the customer, are in control. The financial institution is making a profit on lending out money to you; so use your own money first, if you have it. It does not make good economic sense to have your money invested on fixed deposit at, say 12 per cent, which is equivalent to 8.4 net after tax (assuming 30 tax). After all, even though bond rates are coming down, a bond rate of 16 will mean that you are earning a negative 7.6 on your money (16-8.4).
However, always keep some of your savings available in the event of an emergency. Most importantly, ensure that you can afford the repayments. Don't go in over your head; because owning a property is not the "be-all and end-all" in your life. You will not be happy, if you are constantly worrying about making ends meet. Your repayments should not cripple your household budget and make your life a struggle. "A noose around your financial neck"! The key is to have BALANCE in your life; so that you do not spend nearly all your "small" (?) salary paying off a mansion - "cut your cloth according to your means".
We have seen that you, the customer, have a great deal of choice in structuring your bond to fit your particular circumstances. You can have one virtually "tailor-made" for you. So look carefully at what suits you best in the long run. The most important thing is FLEXIBILITY. Fortunately, most housing bonds are extremely flexible. For example, you may wish to upgrade your home at a later date. A tailored home loan can save you thousands of rand in the long term.
Although a drop in interest rates is good news for homeowners, interest rates are only one part of the home finance equation. Falling interest rates will help household budgets; but the benefits can be smaller, compared to the savings that are possible from a good and clever bond structure. *
Flexibility: (see option 4 in previous chapter) I would advise that the most important principle is to pay off your bond as soon as possible. If you can afford it, increasing your repayments will allow you to pre-pay your bond far quicker and possibly save you thousands of rands in interest payments. You have the chance to be bond-free far faster.
Repayment levels can be changed to meet lifestyle changes, such as the impact on household income of the arrival of children, redundancy or a decision by a spouse (I like that word) to take time off to study - a real wish or perhaps "pipedream" these days... You are also increasing the equity (another fancy term liked by us "economic-money types", meaning "ownership or stake) in your home, if you can pay off your bond more quickly than the standard 20 or 25 year term, usually offered by the financial institution. With the lower bond interest rates now prevalent in South Africa and around the world (thank goodness!), the opportunity exists to pay off your bond sooner by keeping your repayments at higher levels. Instead of having your payments reduced, by maintaining the same payment, you will be saving yourself money. In times of low interest rates, it may even be possible for you to increase your bond payments. Considerable interest savings can be made by making your bond repayments (comprising interest + principal) fortnightly or four weekly, rather than monthly or quarterly, even though you might be paid monthly. Most lending institutions allow the borrower to have this facility. Your payment is half the monthly one and it is a relatively painless method of paying off your bond sooner than normal. It works like this...You are actually paying the equivalent of an additional month's repayment per year (with 26 fortnightly payments in a year).
Look at the difference these options are going to make to your personal situation, ie. what will they do for you? Ask the bank what is best.
For the majority of South Africans (and people all around the globe), their home and the equity it represents is the most significant form of savings, that they will build up during their working lives; so it is very important to look carefully at all the options in financing your home.
Manage your mortgage and you will manage your financial affairs*... * no others, please
and consequently your life
Craig Lock (Eagle Productions Books )
About the Author: Craig has worked for "many moons" in the financial services industry (in the days when he had a "proper job")...before becoming a writer. He has studied and written extensively on money matters: articles, brochures for financial institutions and books. +
"The Mad Money Book" - a simple guide for everyperson in understanding and making the best use of your money. Written in a light and humorous style. This ebook is available by contacting Craig at
Don't worry about the world ending today... as it's already tomorrow in little scenic and tranquil New Zealand

Author's Bio: 

Craig Lock was born in Cape Town, South Africa. He and his New Zealand wife, Marie are inveterate world travellers, which is why their housekeeping budget is always blown (and their twin boys have no shoes). They are presently living in beautiful New Zealand in the 'slow lane'. Craig was a life assurance man all his life (and proud of it), but not having made it to even the middle of the "business pyramid", he changed direction in life...drastically. As he climbed up the corporate ladder, he found it got narrower and narrower... until he fell off. Also finding himself at middle age in a small town at the bottom of the world with nothing to do and no prospects, he took up writing. This is his third book with many more in the pipeline. He loves writing and is absolutely sure that he has found his niche in life. Anyway, what other job would be suitable for him?

Craig's various books (Amazon) on money and money management arec available at

"We share what we know, so that you and your money may grow."