When you have recently experienced a breakup, you may feel as if you will never get over the person. Getting over someone is actually not supposed to take very long, however, most people linger in the grieving phase for much longer than they have to.

There are things that you should do and should not do in order to know how to let go of a toxic relationship.

This article is written to show you how to not get stuck in the place where you think that you will never get over your ex. Then you can begin to enjoy and live your life again.

1. Let It Out

One of the best ways to learn how to let go of a toxic relationship is by letting the emotions out. The longer you keep in the tears, anger, and hurt, the more likely you are to store them, and that means that you will remain stuck.

Cry and punch your pillow if you need to. Journal your feelings and let them out. Cry on the shoulders of friends. Complain and whine to them a little; just do not keep these emotions inside.

2. Stop Listening to Sad Songs

Most people think that by listening to sad songs or songs that remind them of their ex that they will heal faster. This is actually far from the truth. Stop replaying these types of songs, and stop watching sad movies or movies that you liked to watch with your ex.

Make sure that you listen to upbeat music, and watch funny movies. After you let the emotions out as mentioned in Number 1, then a little laughter will do you good.

3. Stop the Replay

The next thing to keep in mind is that you should avoid going over the good memories and imagining what could have been. Once again, this is a practice that will keep you stuck and prevent healing.

The relationship is over , so thinking about the good times will not help anything. It also does no good to think about what might have been – the relationship is done. This may seem harsh, but you are only hurting yourself by doing these things.

4. No Contact

After the breakup is final, you should no longer keep trying to text or call your ex. Avoid the places where you know that they will be hanging out.

There is absolutely no reason to communicate with them at this point, unless they still have stuff at your place.

5. Get Rid of the Stuff

This brings us to Number 5. The only reason to communicate with your ex at this point is in order to arrange for them to get the rest of their stuff. Delete all pics and tear up or burn all photos of the ex and you.

Do not keep a shirt to sleep in that reminds you of them, and get rid of any gifts from them. You can even donate them to someone who needs them if you want.

This is a way to make something positive out of something that was negative.

The sooner you begin to use these tips of how to let go of a toxic relationship, the sooner you will be able to do just that. There is no reason to linger in the heartache, no matter what someone has told you.

Let the bad feelings go and process them as soon as you can, then you can begin to use the other tips. Have you been through a breakup where you used some of these ideas to get over your ex faster?

Do you have any other advice to share with your fellow readers? We welcome your comments, and we look forward to reading them below.

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson is the founder of the training material The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days. He is also offering free help on his website. If you are suffering from a breakup, click here to visit his site and get access to his free help.