The vast amount of literature on getting over a break up with your loved one and learning to live without that relationship is mostly not useful, either because it's full of nonsense or because it simply doesn't work.

If you want to get over a breakup quickly, then follow the 10 steps listed below.

Step 1. Kill all hope

As long as you think there is hope of going back and somehow renewing the relationship, you will be unable to recover from this one. Therefore, the first step to get over a breakup quickly is to kill all hope of reconstructing the relationship.

Step 2. Refuse to bargain

Bargaining is thinking to yourself “If only I could meet him once more, I could convince him to try again. This is a natural response to any type of major change/trauma, but it is counter-productive.

People who get stuck in this stage can spend years waiting for something that is never going to happen.

Therefore, you must discipline your thoughts by reminding yourself whenever you begin to daydream about going back or meeting this person on the street “by accident” that this relationship is over.

Step 3. Fix your beliefs.

Most people have acquired the belief that there is only “one true love”, when the reality is that there is a very large number of people with whom you could easily fall in love.

The reason you aren't meeting those people is because of your limiting beliefs, which you may have developed through exposure to the popular media, your religion , or your culture.

The best way to get over a breakup quickly is to fix your beliefs by learning more about psychology ; specifically, about the psychology of love.

Step 4. Don't just keep yourself busy—Fix the problem

Solving the problem of getting over a relationship quickly means facing the problem and acting in ways designed to convince your mind that this relationship is over.

Step 5. Avoid new beliefs that will limit your recovery

Listening to sad “romantic” songs and other things in this vein will only convince you that there is no hope of another relationship, when in fact the opposite is true.

This type of materiel will also reinforce your negative feelings, and so impede your recovery. A better way is to face your emotions squarely and acknowledge them without allowing them to limit or delay your recovery.

Step 6. Make new friends

Making new friends will do you a world of good, because it will keep you from becoming isolated. The more you can connect with family , friends, neighbors the more support you will receive and the faster you will recover from your breakup.

It will also keep you from dwelling on the past, and convince you that there is more to life than dwelling in the past.

Step 7. Crying/ Depression is normal

When first recovering from a breakup, it is normal to cry or to grieve because something that was treasured is now gone. Do not repress or punish yourself for your feelings—doing so can lead to other problems that can be more severe and will delay your recovery.

Instead, face your emotions, acknowledge your feelings, and you will soon find that you are feeling better.

Step 8. Avoidance is good 

Do not seek out the person you broke up with for a while. Don't go on his Facebook page, don't message him, don't call him. Pretend, for a while, that he is dead; that he doesn't exist.

Doing this can let you acknowledge that the breakup is real, and will kill any hope you had left. This is the best way to get over a breakup quickly.

Step 9. Burn the pictures 

Many people going through breakups will obsess over pictures they had of their former loved one, or seek to replace his presence with his presents. Doing this will only limit and prolong your recovery.

So, burn the pictures, eat the chocolates, give away the presents. This will create space in your life for a new love, and will also by convincing you that this relationship is dead, help you to recover sooner.

Step 10. Learn to grow from your pain 

Developing other life interests, accepting the pain of breaking up as part of living, learning to face life on life's terms, will not only help you get over breaking up with someone, it will also enrich your life to the point that you will be able to get over breakups quickly.

Remember, trying to escape your problems by refusing to acknowledge them, sleeping most of the day, or even using drugs and alcohol will only make the problems you are trying to escape worse.

But, if you say to yourself, “The only way through is through”, and keep repeating this phrase as necessary, you will get through the pain of breaking up much faster than you expect to.

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson is the founder of the training material ‘ The Master Training Kit: How to Get Over Your Ex In 14 Days’. If you are handling a breakup, then just click here and get rid of your unwanted bad emotions of the breakup.