How to find your Dream Man
To find your dream man when you are serious about wanting a committed relationship, just follow the steps below, and then apply my strategy.
1. Visualize the perfect mate for yourself. Get very specific. Be sure to include the values and principals that mean the most to you. Write it all down in a list. It’s important that you don’t forget anything because whatever you forget will show up in the next man who tries to date you. One extremely important element if you really want a relationship is to require that a man is ready, available, and willing to be in a relationship. Otherwise, the person who arrives will probably be married or under 18.
2. When you’ve completed your written list, choose a date by which you want to meet this person and then file the list away or post it on one of the dream realization Web sites, such as . By doing these things, you have sent a message out to the universe and requested assistance from a higher power. [Be realistic about the month and date. Asking for a man to show up next week is unrealistic if you want to apply the strategy I am about to teach you.]
3. Forget about “the list” and go about your life, making sure to take care of yourself in an extraordinary manner.
4. Next on the agenda: I want you to meet forty new men. Yes, that is not a typo. I said 40. Notice that I did not say “date” forty new men. You can have a meaningful conversation, become friends, and ask questions about what is attractive to them. If you persist past 10 new men, you will notice a change in the type of men you are meeting; go past 20 and you will notice a change in yourself and what you expect from men. Beyond 30, be prepared to meet the person of your dreams , because shortly after the date that you designated on your “list,” you will notice that there is a person in your life who fits the description that you specified. Caution: He still may not be the one. More about this later.
5. Waiting until that man gets around to asking you out can take awhile, especially if you don’t communicate your interests and intentions. Once you meet your dream man, you can directly ask him to be in a relationship with you. Contrary to all popular opinion, my suggestion is to be straight about what you want from a man. It’s not meant to scare him away, just to declare your intentions. If the man gets scared and runs, he probably was not the one that you wanted and he didn’t deserve to be in a relationship with you anyway.
6. Flirting with a man also works if you are honest and open and ask for what you want. None of the above applies if you are just looking for a date, someone to play with or if you are a teenager.
You must go out with a lot of frogs before you find your prince. Widen your expectations. Expand your horizons. Broaden your comfort zone. Don’t always limit yourself to the people you think are exactly what you want. You will be surprised who you are attracted to and will consider as a life mate when you get to know him better.

I recommend meeting forty new men, not necessarily dating , but meeting and having a meaningful conversation, to help you decide whether or not you like this person and why. Then you can decide if you want to see him again. Most important is whether you like this person, can get a feel for his human values, and can communicate with him.
In the beginning, do not worry about whether he likes you, is attracted to you, or wants to seduce you, other than for feedback. This is an experiment in stretching your comfort zone. You are not looking for a mate. You are learning about your own personal preferences. You are exploring your taste in men. This is an exercise and they are practice. There is a mindset that is necessary when you enter the 40 man exercise . The point of this exercise is to expand your comfort zone and redesign your preconceived notion of who men are. It is important when you embark upon this quest that you keep a journal of what you like and don’t like about each man. Your focus must be on clarifying your preferences and learning how to ask for what you want. During the course of this exercise, more will be revealed to you about yourself, and the type of men that you have been attracted to in the past. Most women have very limited experience with intimate relationships with men. I do not mean sexual relationships. I mean intimate relationships as in your father, your brothers, your spouses or any male that you have lived with for any length of time. That is where your ideas about who men are originated.

The end result of this exercise is that you develop a new baseline for who men are and what kind of man you want in your life. It is important that you recognize that women do the choosing and women also do the ending of relationships.

I have had clients tell me that this experience of meeting a lot of men has done amazing things for them. It opens up a part of them that they did not know existed. In the beginning, almost everyone hates it. At some point, they start to enjoy the experience. Later, they develop a sixth sense for knowing whether a man has the potential to be “it,” and the final benefit is that the quality of men that they attract improves with each man they meet. This occurs because their self-esteem is constantly being nurtured. Most of all enjoy the journey.

Excerpt from “How to Get What You Want from Your Man Anytime” by Susan Sheppard.

The Strategy:
* Be Direct.
* Acknowledge him graciously and honestly.
* Use your appetite to ask for EXACTLY what you want.
* Ignore his hesitation and objections.
* Recognize when he violates one of your Major standards and never settle.
* When he produces the result you want, show your appreciation.
* Dismiss him completely when he doesn't produce for you.

Relationship coaching is life coaching. Life becomes extraordinary when we discover that being absolutely committed to taking care of ourselves, leads to abundance in every aspect of our lives.

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"I help women over 40 seeking romantic intimacy , get what they want in a relationship so that they can experience more fun, more sex and less bickering!"

Susan Sheppard
Getting What You Want

Official Words from Getting What You Want

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Author's Bio: 

Susan Sheppard is the founder of Getting What You Want, a life and relationship coaching organization created for the purpose of promoting sacred intimacy in all personal relationships: romantic, parental, sibling, friendship and business. She is the author of the book “How to Get What You Want From Your Man Anytime”, a relationship book that tells everyone in romantic relationships how to have sacred intimacy, get what you want and have more fun, more sex and less bickering.