Erasing the memory of a loved one is not easy especially if you have been in a beautiful relationship which has suddenly gone sour. You experience a lot of pain and negativity when you lose your self-confidence and wonder what really went wrong.

How to erase someone from your memory?

Many people are afraid to introspect and understand why things happened the way they did. Men find it difficult to ask questions when their girlfriend walks out because they have found someone new.

Women crumble to pieces if they are rejected and find themselves suddenly alone. Each one has their own special way of dealing with the misery.

If we are going to wallow and cry it will not be easy to move on. There are certain steps that you should take to start living life again and moving on.

Introspect and notice the signs -

If you can talk to a close family member or confidante, it will help. Initially you will burst into tears if you are a girl and feel as if your world has come to an end.

A guy might decide to stop meeting people and suffer in isolation by getting drunk. Whatever you do, make sure that you carefully look back and see where things went wrong.

This will help you to be stronger the next time you get into a relationship. By giving the relationship a decent closure, you will be able to start a new relationship on a better note.

Avoid all contact with your ex -

It is in your best interests to stay away from any situations where you feel that you may encounter your ex. Erase their number from your mobile so that you are not tempted to send messages or get into a crying session.

You will only end up in arguments, playing the blame game and eventually you will find that you have made matters worse. If you are wise, you will stop chasing them on the social media sites or trying to find out what they are currently doing.

If you have any gifts, souvenirs, photos and reminders that have been presented to you by your ex, this is a good time to trash the same.

Meet up with old and new friends -

Start going out with friends and get yourself some swanky clothes. Exercise and diet and lose all that extra pounds. Be charming and smile a lot even though your heart is aching inside.

Your natural charm and goodness will wend its way to someone’s heart and you will soon find that there are many admirers who wish to befriend you and spend valuable time with you.

Get interested in a new hobby -

Perhaps you like travelling or gardening and have never had time for this. Start browsing the net or visit some shops to find some tools to help you set up a little garden or vegetable patch.

You will be amazed at how swiftly time flies and you feel good at the end of the day with the hard work that you have put in.

If you are travelling, there are so many sites to see and events to keep you occupied. Enjoy the time spent travelling and meet up with new friends.

How to erase someone from your memory is not a difficult task if you know how to go about doing this effectively.

Get involved in yoga or meditation and make sure you spread a little sunshine around you instead of sitting morosely in a corner.

You will attract many men and women to you like moths to a flame. Be happy and look forward to a new beginning as soon as you feel you are ready for a relationship.

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson is the owner of the website where he teaches people how to get over an ex. If you are struggling to get over your ex, take the help of his site by clicking here .