Research has shown tapping to easily benefit anxiety in ways that are incredibly useful for the average person. When you experience some degree of anxiety – whether it is before a presentation at work, handling small relationship issues, or simply feeling anxious about the day’s events – EFT is a great tool for reducing your stress and anxiety and improving your overall relaxation .
But not everyone’s anxiety is minor. There are often those that experience intense anxiety disorders – anxiety that affects every activity they engage in. This type of anxiety can be debilitating, and drastically reduce one’s quality of life if left untreated. That is why these disorders require a more advanced approach to EFT – one that is not quite as simple as using the basic tapping techniques.
How to Approach Advanced Anxiety with Tapping
When you are struggling with severe anxiety, it’s important that you do not start the tapping technique right away. The first step is to reduce any behaviors that is currently increasing your anxiety, so that you can tap without as much negative influence. If you often watch frightening movies or you avoid sleeping at night in favor of going out with friends and family , these need to be stopped, because you are providing your body with negative stimulation that is only going to fuel greater levels of anxiety while you’re trying to treat it.
Similarly, since anxiety itself can often make it difficult for you to have the energy to employ EFT techniques, you will need to discover ways to relax. There are deep breathing techniques inspired by both Yoga and Chinese medicinal influences that can be useful, so that you calm your mind and body so that you have the energy to employ EFT correctly.
You will also need to start exploring why your anxiety is so powerful. It’s vital that you take the time for this type of self-exploration, because only by discovering the underlying causes of your anxiety can you hope to address them individually.
Understanding Anxiety
The key thing to remember is that anxiety itself nearly always has an underlying cause. It’s not simply a matter of fear – anxiety itself is designed to tell you something. It’s the activation of your “fight or flight” response in order to let you know that there are things in your life you need to address.
So you need to ask yourself what your anxiety may be telling you. You should ask yourself what in your life needs to be changed, and why your anxiety may be warning you that you need to change it. Once you’ve discovered these issues, you can address them more easily with the EFT technique, allowing you to target each one individually and focus on the entirety of your anxiety, not just basic relation and de-stressing. Here are some examples:
• Work Stresses – Every day you wake up experiencing a great deal of anxiety. Throughout the day it gets worse, but when you’re home it starts to relax. The natural inclination is to believe that you are more comfortable at home, but what may really be occurring is that there is something at work that you’re fearing – something that causes emotional instability. By experiencing the anxiety in the morning, your body is warning you not to go to work, because it’s trying to act as your protector. Of course, you need to go to work, but you now have knowledge that it’s specific situations at work that are leading to the anxiety, and you can address these situations with EFT.
• Health Panic – One of the most common causes of panic attacks is being overly sensitive to one’s own body, even when nothing is wrong. When you are experiencing an anxiety attack, you are likely in good health, but you are focusing too much on your own health. This may be an indication that you have something in your life that is causing you to focus on your own mortality, such as a friend or family member that’s in ill health. You can also address these issues accordingly.
The goal here is to work with your anxiety, rather than try to fight the anxiety off. When you use the EFT techniques for these types of serious anxiety issues (rather than daily stress and anxiety, which EFT is already more than effective enough for), you need to look at anxiety as though it’s telling you something more, and use what you’ve learned from EFT to address those issues, rather than the anxiety as a whole.
At any time you can also work with an EFT professional – one that will help you discover the best ways to address all of your anxiety issues. EFT is a great tool for anxiety – both regular, daily anxiety and more serious anxiety disorders. But when you are suffering from serious anxiety problems, the way you address the anxiety with EFT may need to change. Focus on each part, not just the whole, so that you can combat the entirety of your anxiety issues.

Author's Bio: 

Ryan Rivera suffered from a great deal of anxiety and knew the best way to address it wasn’t to try to attack it all at once, but to break it down into its summed parts. He provides information about dealing with anxiety at .