Cats are cute pets which should be able to look after themselves. However if you wish to have one as your pet, you should know what their needs and wants are apart from just finding them adorable. Though they are pets , they tend to behave like humans at times as they grow and develop.

Studies have shown that kittens are much easier to handle than cats as most are more shy and obedient. It does not protest or throw tantrums but obeys whatever their owners instruct them to do.

Usually kittens that are already sold are already litter-trained. So the only thing you need to do is to guide it as to where it should relieve itself when nature calls.

For a start, your kitchen will see you as its guardian, owner and parent. So wherever you go, it will follow. Occasionally it will jump or climb up to kitchen table or fridge for food and drink. To avoid this from happening frequently, you need to know when it is hungry and thirsty so that you can feed as much as it wants.

If your cat has a habit of scratching things, it might be appropriate to buy and install 1 or more scratching posts wherever it is. Otherwise you will have problems seeing your furniture, books and other stuff littered with its claw marks.

Like humans, their claw nails tend to get sharper over time. So you need to trim them in order to avoid getting yourself or others hurt and having your things torn. You can do this by pressing down on each toe which extends its claw. You should inspect this regularly so that they will get used to as their routine as they become older.

Even though kittens do not shed as much hair as their adult counterparts, you still need to comb your pet to make its appearance more presentable whether its hair is long or short.

Just because your cat likes to eat everything, do not spoilt by giving exactly what it wants. You need to make sure its food is of highest quality and preferably be in pet store rather than supermarket. If you are unsure as to which brand contains the most vitamins, minerals and protein, go and ask your vet for recommendations. Other than food, there should be a clean bowl of water to protect your cat from dehydration.

Cats do need regular medical checkups as much as we humans. So if you love your cat and want it to live as long as possible, make it your habit to visit your vet once or twice every month just to ensure its health is fine. They do need injections from time to time too. When they are kittens, they usually are given a few shots. But as they grow older, they are just given one every year.

If your cat grows bigger, you have to make adjustments to its room size. If it protests like teenagers, do not worry as this is perfectly normal. But if it really gets out of hand, you need to visit your vet again for advice.

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Get more tips on how you can train your cat effectively without headaches in Cat Traits.