What are you going to do over the next 30 days for you to set yourself up for success and for you to set yourself up for a new opportunity?

- Do you want to start up your career?
- Learn about the online business industry?
- Travel and gain knowledge about day to day jobs?
- Meet friends and learn ideas from friends?
- Experience simply creating skills?

We just left the year behind, but did we really leave it behind? A lot of people didn’t. There is so much fear, uncertainty, pain, and suffering that build up worldwide during the pandemic and it’s not over yet. People can't feel the perfect way to live due to the pandemic, maybe we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I think we can.

What Does It Really Mean?

- All of that fear
- All of that doubt
- All of that uncertainty

There are also people who have unprecedented growth, evolution, expansion from the last year. I’m one of those people because as I saw the pandemic unfolded, I realized that this represented unprecedented opportunity:

- For growth
- For expansion- For self expression
- For evolution

What are your goals going into this new year? Because a lot of people are setting new year's resolutions. Study shows that most new year's resolutions are broken above January 12, it didn't last too long. Started perfect confidence to create an amazing lifestyle, but the dream to achieve it didn't happen.

Why Is That Happening?

1. People Don’t Understand What Habits Really Are.

The point is, I want you to give you a different way to look at this whole topic of new year's resolutions and I want to talk about something specifically and that is a question that I want you to ask yourself. What do I need to let go in order to make this year the year that I want it to be?

You need to go after your goals but at the same time you're going after your goals, many people are driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake. You have one foot on the gas which is driving you towards what you want but you also have another foot on the brake which is holding you back from getting the things that you want. It may be personal goals, take a step to unlock the potential in learning to grow from your expertise. It's hard when people don't understand the habit they have and sometimes you're a boss, sometimes you want to write a blog, the goal is to fill the table with a unique success and luck for the future.

2. What Is It That You Need To Let Go?

It is important to set your target, connect your purpose to improve your influence to the community. set your strategy to increase professional capabilities in order to promote the future with no hustle. A person should notice simple existing negative thinking in a team to let go of specific issues needed to be addressed.What’s One Thing You're Going To Let Go in the Next 21 Days?

- The fear of financial insecurity
- A job that isn't filling you up, being busy by the sake of being busy.
- The feeling of not being enough
- The feeling of doubting yourself
- The feeling of procrastination
- The feeling of self sabotage
- The feeling of not meeting the contents

I’ll give you an example, I was talking to my parents and they told me that they’ve watched a great movie that they enjoy watching. I asked what was it? They say Hollywoodland. I say that’s a great movie, Ben Affleck and Adrien Brody. She said no, it’s Adan Brody. I said no it’s Adrien Brody the actors name is Adrien Brody, I even spelled it out. We’re arguing there, they’re arguing with me. It’s about 10 minutes later, they called me back and she said you know what? You’re right it is Adrien Brody.

I’ll give you an example, I was talking to my parents and they told me that they’ve watched a great movie that they enjoy watching. I asked what was it? They say Hollywoodland. I say that’s a great movie, Ben Affleck and Adrien Brody. She said no, it’s Adan Brody. I said no it’s Adrien Brody the actors name is Adrien Brody, I even spelled it out. We’re arguing there, they’re arguing with me. It’s about 10 minutes later, they called me back and she said you know what? You’re right it is Adrien Brody.

What's the point of the story? What is it to you? The point is I learned that in my entire life, I've been doubting myself because that's what I grew up with, an argumentative family. For years, for almost all of my life, I prefer to doubt myself. I realized that the number one thing that I want to let go this year is doubting myself. Spend social activities in a circle to gain tips on how to corporate respect, choice, and service to be better in the field of entrepreneur .

Doubting myself has cost me probably millions of dollars just doubting myself and not trusting my intuition , listening to the wrong people, what does this mean for you? What is the one thing that you’re going to let go right now in the next 21 days? Why do I keep telling in 21 days? Because study shows that it takes 21 days to change a habit, it takes 90 days to really install that habit.

3. You don't have to do it alone.

There is help available for you. Whatever you do, I want you to realize that there is help available for you. I wished I had known this many years ago when I was struggling to get my business going, or self-esteem which I haven't had any. Make sure to get yourself the help that you deserve so you can have the time, the energy, relationships and money that you really deserve.

Speaking and asking questions is free, spend time to develop a path to your desired freelance job. Don't be afraid to ask advice from a coach, ask for the services offered. Speak and reach to remote communities, let your position offer promotion to the local community. Offer charity for the need, offer education that creates people to share your love, goals, values to people. By offering your service, you're building a family to grow like you did.

Author's Bio: 

Noah St. John is a keynote speaker and best-selling author who's famous for inventing Afformations® and helping busy people enjoy financial freedom. His sought-after advice is known as the "secret sauce" in personal and business growth.

Noah's engaging and down-to-earth speaking style always gets high marks from audiences. One of the world's most sought-after experts on personal growth and professional development, Noah appears frequently in the news worldwide, including ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, The Hallmark Channel, NPR, PARADE, Woman's Day, Los Angeles Business Journal, Huffington Post, Chicago Sun-Times, Forbes.com, Selling Power and The Washington Post.