There are many easy ways on how to control cholesterol. It might seem hard to keep a healthy diet living in a fast paced society, but given the consequence of heart ailments, obesity and other cardiovascular diseases, it seems that we haven’t got much choice. And the best way to go is the natural way. No medicines or drugs that might have harmful side effects.

These are the easiest ways on how to lower cholesterol naturally:

1. Eat healthy – Maintain a diet rich in low cholesterol foods. What you eat will determine your cholesterol levels and your overall health. Stay away from high cholesterol foods. Instead of dining out all the time, check out the most recommended foods where you can devise a lot of low cholesterol recipes :

a. Whole Grains – Breakfast should not only be filling, it should also be healthy. Oats, wheat and barley are all good grains. Spice up your morning meals with oatmeal with nuts and fruits. Instead of rich butter muffins, go for the healthy alternative of bulgur or wheat breads.
b. Fishes – Fishes are the natural source of heart oil, the good fat Omega3. They are also high in protein, iron and zinc but without the bad fat. Grill, broil, smoke or steam haddock, salmon, tuna, herring, trout, mackerel and sardines.
c. Fruits – Fruits are rich in fiber and antioxidants that effectively fight cancer. They are also good source of the plant based cholesterol lowering compounds, sterol and stanols. Create salads or eat fresh avocadoes, oranges, grapes and berries.
d. Vegetables – Another high fiber food group. You can create a lot of low cholesterol recipes from broccoli, spinach, cabbages, okra and kale.
e. Beans – These are high in protein, making it a good substitute for meat.
f. Nuts – Rich in the good polyunsaturated fats, nuts are great substitute for chips and fries.

2. Exercise – Aside from eating healthy, exercising is another key factor how to control cholesterol. Moderate exercising complemented with an active lifestyle could help keep cholesterol and weight low. Below are some activities that could easily burn some excess calories:

a. Walk – Brisk walking will give you the benefit of revved up metabolism, exercised muscles, healthier heart and feel good disposition. Walk with your dog or your partner to enjoy the activity more.
b. Engage in sports – Whether you like team sports like basketball or hockey or solo sports like biking, running, tennis and wall climbing sports can give you a sense of achievement while keeping you healthy.
c. Do the chores – Instead of hiring a clean lady, clean the house yourself. Do the laundry, mow the grass and run errands. These will save you money, and keep you healthy.
3. Live Healthy – Your lifestyle have a major effect on your cholesterol level. Below are some of the disastrous practices that could harm you. Staying away from them is one way how to control cholesterol.

a. Smoking – Smoking and nicotine are the main culprit of damaged nerves.
b. Drinking – Too much drinking of alcoholic drinks inhibits the good cholesterol from its function.
c. Stressful job – Stress at work could lead to binge eating, smoking, drinking and less sleep.

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If you are looking for information on how to control cholesterol , then make sure to check Douglas Kidder's excellent free report on how to lower cholesterol naturally .