It is possible that you do not want special helmets to watch TV, and that you already have some that you use for your mobile and want to use for TV. Here we tell you how to configure them correctly, whether you have specials or if you have to adopt them.

Why connect Bluetooth headphones to TV and not a radio frequency?

There are two elements in the "why" section of this tutorial. First, why connect headphones to TV? There are several reasons why you are inclined to do so. If you are listening to a volume that is too extreme, connecting wireless headphones to TV helps to balance the volume.

Even if nobody in your house has hearing problems, the same volume is not the same for more than one person, so if you cannot decide who is right, a pair of headphones for each would be perfect. If you want to watch movies or be in gaming sessions until late and not bother anyone, you know what you're playing.

However, despite the good quality, wireless headphones have a great disadvantage: helmets are permanently attached to their base. You probably love the sound they give off, but you cannot get rid of their station, which also serves to charge them.

The good thing about connecting bluetooth headphones for tv is that this problem is solved. You end up turning your helmets into a really flexible option. You can buy a pair of headphones and match them to your HDTV, iPhone, Tablet or any device that supports Bluetooth, and simply switch from one to the other in the easiest way in the world. It is much easier to justify buying a good one if you can use them for almost everything.

How is it showing that the trend is wireless technology, it is much easier to find the most successful type of headphones for your needs? In this way, you do not have to settle for the only model in the market.

This way you do not have to worry about the only model offered by the same manufacturer of the radio frequency pair. This also saves you to determine if the brand uses the same frequency.

How to connect Bluetooth headphones to TV

So let's look at how to connect Bluetooth headsets to the TV without any problems. You will know that it is the sea of easy to do it in the current mobiles, but when it comes to connecting the helmets to the television, things become a little more complicated, although nothing is impossible, that's why we tell you everything here.

What I need?

Desire it very hard ... Although the first step would be to determine how the sound is produced on your television, in this way you can buy (if necessary) the necessary adapters, and thus ensure that the Bluetooth audio is connected to the appropriate location.

Do you need an adapter? No need to worry, for about 20 euros or less you can buy one if your TV does not have Bluetooth. Then we link you a publication with the most prominent at a good price.

Bluetooth Adapter-Receiver. Which is better to buy?Identify your audio system

Case 1. If you only have your television set and any type of media center attached (no receiver with satellite or speakers or other equipment), then look at the connector ports on your TV to connect Bluetooth headphones to TV.

Case 2. If you have a media center with all your audio sources in a receiver (for example in the case that your DVD player, Blu-ray player, HDTV and whatever else is connected to that receiver that controls all the audio and then puts them in your sound system), you'll want to look at the receiver's connectors instead of the TV's. In this way to connect wireless headphones to TV will work not only to watch television but also to listen to music or whatever you have connected in the media center.

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