Do you want to choose the best course or writing workshop, but do not know what the difference between one and the other is? Do you have a hard time choosing among all the options offered by the written communication market? This article gives you a guide for you to make a choice based on your needs, objectives and preferences.

To begin, we will explain the main differences between a workshop and a writing course. Next, you will know what are the different purposes of the workshops or writing courses. Also, we will mention the importance of the duration of these training activities, the methodology and the didactic materials. Finally, you will understand the value of seeking comments from people who have attended the course or workshop.

What is better a course or a writing workshop?

The first thing you have to know is the differences between a workshop and a course. Although both seek to facilitate learning in their assistants, each one's approach is very different. For example, the participation a student has in a course is less than what he would have in a workshop. This is due to the fact that in the course the teacher plays a leading role; while in the workshop it is the student who occupies a central role.

If what you are looking for is a more traditional class, in which the grammar and spelling rules are explained and in which your participation in the development of the class is not essential, then, you are looking for a writing course . Now, if you want to learn through constant participation and the development of activities, the workshop is the best option. If you like to form work groups, exchange ideas and face challenges, you will enjoy a writing workshop as much as possible.

What do you want to achieve with the course or the writing workshop?

The second thing you must define is your purpose. Do you want to learn how to write reports? Are you looking to perfect your written skills? Do you need to start with the basics, because writing is your biggest weakness?Knowing your weaknesses and needs is a fundamental aspect so that you can define a goal. This will help you choose one of the different courses or writing workshops. Once you select the type of workshop or course, it is important that you look at all the offers and compare not only the prices, but also the objectives of the program.

Some of the most common writing courses or workshops are:Writing and spelling

It is ideal for those who have a basic to intermediate level, because they will learn the principles of writing, structure, punctuation, orthographic rules, among other essential subjects that will allow them to see good results in a short shot.

Corporate writing

This type is perfect for those who seek to develop commercial proposals, write texts focused on one or several audiences or define a suitable tone according to the target audience.

Writing scientific or academic texts

It is aimed at a very specific audience; professionals dedicated to research who publish their studies in scientific or academic journals. This type of course is very specialized; teaches the characteristics, the structure, and the jargon, among other elements of that field.

Writing content

It is aimed at those who want to produce content for web pages, social networks, and blogs. Teach how to become a copywriter.

Drafting of official documents

This type of training focuses on officials who must write minutes, reports, and memoranda, among other types of institutional texts. The objectives of these programs range from providing guidelines for good writing to teaching the different structures of official documents.

Creative writing

Participants learn writing techniques focused on the narrative. This workshop is ideal for those who want to start writing literary works.

Let's not forget the time

In terms of time, you must take into account two factors:

A) The duration of the workshop or the writing course.B) The time available to you not only to attend lessons, but also to carry out assignments and review what has been seen in class.

If the course offers you to become an expert in writing and spelling in three hours, it is best to discard that option. Why? Because just studying the guidelines to write in a structured way, put into practice what you have learned and receive feedback will take at least three hours. So, at what point will you study the grammatical rules carefully?

That is why it is important that you request the program, look at the objectives and the time that will be allocated to each topic. If you have any questions, contact the company and ask for the necessary information so that you can if the course is well organized.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover.