Life is full of ups and down. When things go up in your favour, most of us have no problems staying calm, composed and being able to handle them with relative ease. But when things go down against your favour, will your reaction be just the same? Here are some essential tips on how to build your self esteem .

Imagine yourself as a dart board for a minute. Everything and everyone – including your family and friends – become the dart pins at one time or another. Believe me when I say most of them will devastrate your self esteem and plunge you into anger, despair and sorrow. Unless you do something, all these will ruin and even drive you to suicide if you just succumbed to them.

With that said, here are 7 main dart pins you should watch out for and avoid.

1. Office Politics

If you are working in a corporate environment, beware of office politics whereby employees are divided into factions fighting for their own interests rather than the interest of the company.

Factions are started by people who are not appreciative of their boss. Even if you joined one and ended up being late, having breakfast in office when you should be working or not giving your best when it mattered most, it would not benefit you at all.

If this faction happens to be your department, you may want to bring this issue to your boss. If the situation does not improve, quit your job and find another.

2. Negative Work Environment

This is when you have problems with your boss but you and your colleagues can do nothing about it since you are just employees.

For a start, try to dissolve these with your boss by having private and heart-to-heart discussions behind closed doors. But even if this does not work, then it is another time to look for another job instead of making your life miserable just for the monthly basic pay.

3. Gossip And Rumour Mongers

Few workplaces are perfect.

There will always be unhappiness, resentment and complaints happening however best the boss and department heads try to be.

For people who are in those calibre, avoid them at all cost otherwise you will letting them hinder your focus, work attitude and performance.

4. Changes

You cannot always be a green bug on brown field.

Changes do challenge our paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. For a start, it may be hard and stressful like a new soccer player adjusting in his new team. But as time went by and depending on how fast we adopt and how much time we are given to do so, we should improve in time.

There will always be changes. Therefore we must be susceptible to it.

5. Past Experience

It is okay to fall and cry when we experience failure or pain.

But do not let them turn into your fears. Instead treat them as your lessons in life.

It is not how you fail or fall but whether you can recover and move on from there.

6. Negative World View

Looking at the news everyday, there will always be negative events unfolding and happening. On the general view, this is just what the media wants to share with everybody to boast their ratings.

So do not allow yourself to be affected or let those events stop you from travelling to countries affected by those events.

No world is perfect as every country has their pros and cons.

7. External Party Influence

Of all dart pins, this is probably the toughest one you have to withstand. Because this is not from anybody but the ones closest to you as in your family and friends.

Unless you are a totally independent loner who makes and sticks by your own decisions, you tend to discuss everything you do with them. Including simple things like what you eat, what you do, what you like and where you go everyday.

They may give great advice. They may give bad advice. It all depends on how you look it.

But ultimately this is your life. So what your future will be depends on what you choose and decide to do now.

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Discover how a lazy unmotivated underachiever became a millionaire at just age 26 here.