How to attract money and wealth?

Do you want to attract money and wealth? How can you become wealthy? The majority of people want more money and wealth in their lives. We humans have strong passion for money. We love to live an abundant life, but unfortunately, most of the people don’t know how to attract the amount of money they want in their lives for many different reasons. The ones who do attract the amount of money they want and desire are the minority. We all should have the money that we desire and need to live a luxurious and decent life. In this article, I will show you some of the ways to attract money and wealth into your life.

You should know that your subconscious mind has the power to make you achieve money and wealth. You just have to convince your subconscious mind that you deserve wealth and deserve to live a luxurious life.

Start by thanking God for having money in your life. You have to appreciate money and appreciate how it came to you. Why should you get things that you don’t appreciate? That is why it is crucial to be appreciative of everything in your life such as health, money, job, happiness, and family .

Start wishing people who have money to get more success and wealth. You have to bless people for having wealth and money. For instance, if you see some people making one million dollar a year, say to yourself, “Isn’t that nice? I hope God will bless them and will increase their wealth.” There are many people who start envying their friends for having wealth. However, usually those people don’t get the money and wealth they desire because they are criticizing someone who has what they want. Never speak negatively about money.

Say the following statement throughout the day “I love money and money loves me. I have all the money I need and want day and night.” The more you repeat that affirmation , with time, the more it becomes ingrained in your subconscious mind. Remember, you have to believe what you are affirming and saying, so your subconscious mind accepts it, otherwise it won’t work. Your emotions have to be full of ecstasy and optimism when you do this exercise .

Visualize that you are receiving the mount of money you want at least twice a day for five to fifteen minutes each time. If you want to make hundred thousand dollars a year, visualize that and feel the money in your hands. Feel the joy inside of you as if you have the money with you right now.

Author's Bio: 

Dia Thabet

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