No one wants to be unhealthy and limited in their aging years. Everyone wants to age gracefully and remain viable and active. Remaining viable also means remaining sexually active. For men there are many steps that can be taken to help enhance viability and sexual performance – everything from diet and exercise to a supplement of Viagra to address any erectile dysfunction issues that may be plaguing you as you age.

Diet needs to be one of the issues to be addressed and changed as we age. Because gastrointestinal functions and caloric intake diminishes we need to make sure the our diet becomes more healthy. Eating a balanced diet that is high in protein – which can be found in fish, lean turkey and beef – and fresh fruits and vegetables and food that is high in fiber will help keep your body health. Dairy and complex carbohydrates are necessary for overall good health as well, as is cutting back on high fat foods and alcohol.

Exercise needs to become part of your daily routine, if it isn’t already. You can easily lose muscle mass and strength as you age. Daily exercise will you’re your heart pumping, your book circulating and keep your muscles healthy and strong. Additionally, good blood circulation can also help address any erectile dysfunction issues you may be facing. Don’t immediately jump into an exercise routine if it hasn’t been part of your life all along without first checking with your doctor.

Emotional stress takes its toll not just on your overall mental health but on your physical well-being too. There are many issues that can be adding to stress in your life and they can range from financing issues to health concerns. Taking time to meditate as a way to relieve stress can help improve your overall health. If meditation isn’t for you, take some time to take a relaxing walk every day. Not only will you be keeping your body healthy but you’ll be keeping your mind healthy as well.

Have your doctor do a complete physical and blood work up to make certain you aren’t lacking in any crucial vitamins or minerals. If you are, you may want to consider supplementing your diet with nutritional supplements as a way to enhance your overall life and health. Ask your doctor for the best supplements for your needs and be diligent in taking them as listed on the directions for the best absorption. Keep your body healthy and your mind active, and relaxed, and you can go a long way to aging gracefully and living a long, satisfying life.

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