Upon owning the iphone, you not only need to make yourself contactable or safeguarding it. But also to keep it in peak condition so that it can last for years. Even if you intend to sell, you still need to do the same. Question is how you should clean your iphone when you only know how to use it like everyone else.

Realistically, the easiest way to do so effectively is to clean it with few tested and proven cleaning products rather than buying several kinds as what most people might say. Especially salespeople who are more interested in wanting to make money out of you than giving you value through their services.

But even so do you know which cleaning products you should use for your iphone? If you do not, there is nothing to worry about as there are many users who are just as ignorant. Because come to think of it, iphone is more unique than normal mobile phone. Not is its screen sensitive to touch but its interior controls as well.

Therefore when cleaning, you do not just do so with ordinary cleansers that you are already using for your PC, DVD or CD players as those cleansers might damage your iphone.

Also you need to make sure that you take extra precautions and do not just rush for the sake of saving time. The reason for this is that the inner workings of your iphone might be more sensitive than you think. Especially the screen which also serves as the mother board since the keypad controls are part of it as well.

So having said those, which items must I exactly have to make sure my iphone is really clean and still function like before?

The answer is three things which are a cup of water, microfiber cloth and CD with your favourite music to help you relax and make your cleaning process more enjoyable. Do make sure that the cup, water and microfiber cloth are clean before proceeding.

Do not use any type of cleaning agent as you do not know for sure if they can hinder the way your iphone screen interact with you.

Once you have all those things before you, dip the corner of the cloth into water. As to where you can get microfiber cloth, you should have no problems obtaining it from most iphone retail shops. Do not use too much water. Just make the corner wet enough to start cleaning.

Next place your iphone on another piece of clean cloth to protect its back from dirt. Make sure you turn it off before you start the cleaning process.

Then slowly and carefully, start wiping its screen from top to bottom. Maintain that consistency while switching to wiping the other way round or in circles as that might leave behind smudges which are ugly when you turn on your iphone. A few minutes is all it take to clean the whole surface of your iphone.

As to how often you should clean your iphone depends on how often you use it. As your iphone screen is the interface of the entire iphone which you constant touch to call and find information, the dust and oil from your fingers tend to build up and cause a dingy look over time.

It is recommended that average users clean their iphone at least once every 2 weeks. But for frequent users like those who need to travel to and fro, it is best they do the same at least once or twice a week.

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