The sleep patterns of people change with different stages of their life and depend on multiple factors such as age, mental activity, health and physical exertion. Sleep experts are of the opinion that healthy adults require at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night in order to stay fit and healthy.

Less sleep at night can have a negative effect on the health of a person. As per a study, short-term sleepers have a higher mortality rate than people who sleep for around 8 hours.

Signs which indicate that a person is not getting enough sleep:
A person is not getting enough sleep, if they
• wake up during the night from a sleep disorder, bad dream or stress.
• sleep past their regular wake up schedule and experience worn out syndrome.
• get moody and grumpy, feeling drowsy, have reduced energy levels, perform poorly in office, and
suffer from loss of concentration and forgetfulness.

If individuals are sleepy during the day, it means that they haven’t slept properly the night before. Studies have shown that people who sleep regularly during afternoon time normally have fragmented sleep and suffer from some form of sleep disorder . Deprivation of sleep even for one or two nights can affect the health of a person.

Unlike other things in life, the time of the sleep doesn’t get changed regularly. Even if people try to adjust to the new routine, that may affect their judgment and reaction time. And the problem is that one can’t resist this craving for sleep for too long. The deficit for sleep can only be cured by getting more sleep.

Recommendations from sleep scientists for a healthy sleep
In order to get 7-9 hours of quality sleep at night, sleep experts recommend following useful tips:
1. Honour one’s body’s requirement for sleep
People should make sleeping a non-negotiable activity. For that, they should avoid watching excess TV or working on the laptop late at night in order to rest peacefully.
2. Stay active throughout the day
Regular physical exercise is beneficial for improving the quality of slumber. Yoga, meditation, sports activities and cognitive behaviour therapy creates a sense of relation that induces sleep.
3. Develop a strong bond with your loved ones
The sleep of people can get disrupted due to troubled family relationships. One should cultivate healthy relations with their family and loved ones. Also practice deep listening, gratitude and good communication skills .
4. Create a healthy sleep routine
Try to make nighttime routine as stress-free as possible. Read a good book, meditate and take a hot bath before turning off the lights.
5. Avoid the use of stimulants late in the day
The effect of Caffeine starts showing results about 6-8 hours after consumption. A cup of caffeine at 3 pm. in the afternoon can disrupt sleep routine and make one drowsy the next day.

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If people still struggle in dozing off at night after these lifestyle changes, then they can resort to online sleeping tablets in order to restore their circadian rhythm.