The simple answer to that question is that you do not know most of the time that your body is being affected by the toxic onslaught. In cases of severe poisoning, the body has a few reflexes, which include vomiting and diarrhoea to expel the toxins quickly from the body.

However, most toxins are invisible and we are exposed to them on such regular basis, that they build up in our system and lead to disease and disorders in the longer term.

The average person is walking around able to function, and believing that they are healthy, because our bodies are incredible machines that can cope with the stress that we force upon them. However, when the toxins interact with the body's functions and interfere with systems like the endocrine system or the immune system, the body is no longer able to mend itself.

We are plagued by a whole range of disorders that the medical community cannot account for. There is a huge increase in auto- immune diseases, behavioural disorders, fatigue related syndromes and fertility issues. Research is showing that all of the above can be directly linked to toxins and the effects that they are having on our health.

The fact that we are being poisoned is now widely accepted, and yet are you aware of what effect toxins are having on your health? It seems that there is an increase in a variety of unexplainable symptoms that are hardly worth troubling a doctor for and yet leave us feeling unwell.

Listed below are some of the symptoms linked to the toxins we carry:

* Eyes - light sensitivity, blurred vision, twitching.
* Ear, nose and throat - itchy, runny nose, dry or tickly throat, hoarseness, ringing or popping in the ears, dizziness.
* Cardiovascular - chest pain, tingling in the extremities, faintness, irregular heart beats.
* Gastrointestinal - belching, reflux, difficulty in swallowing, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, cramps, pain in the abdomen.
* Genitourinary - frequent, urgent or painful urination, poor bladder control.
* Musculoskeletal - fatigue, muscular weakness, joint pain, stiffness, backache and neck and muscle spasm
* Nervous - headache, sleepy, drowsy, slow, sluggish or dull, depression, anxiety , restlessness, poor concentration, poor memory, stammering.
* Respiratory - wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath
* Skin - itching, burning, excessive sweating, hives, blisters, blotches, red spots, pimples.

Do you recognize yourself anywhere on that list? We think that we are healthy, and yet, we cope with lots of little niggles that can turn into big health issues if we do not address them.

Toxins contribute to health crises later in life if we do not address the problem today. Finding ways to safely take the toxins out of your body can seriously improve your health and quality of life.

Written by Caroline Nettle

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Author's Bio: 

Caroline Nettle is passionate about helping others to improve their health. Toxin Free Today is an online resource for information and products to help you to enjoy life after toxins. Sign up for the newsletter and receive the latest information about how to detoxify your life.