Relationships don’t always go the way we want. Things may start to get rocky despite the few months or years of being in a honeymoon phase.

There comes a moment when it’s just time to go between you and your partner.

So how do you know if it’s time to break up?

There are several good reasons to know when it’s time to pack your bags and get out of your current relationship.

Trust Issues

Trust is a vital aspect of a healthy relationship. Both partners must share a common bond and entrust each other with their commitments and priorities.

Without this, you know it is time to get out of your relationship.

If there are doubts on your mind that some things your partner is doing that steps over your boundaries or concerns your well-being, it is time to go.

One particular situation of this is when your partner is self-defensive or paranoid about something.

Suppose that he/she is accusing you of cheating or doing something out of bounds.

Usually this is a projection of their own insecurities and he/she themselves may be doing the unfaithful act.

Arguments over Petty Things

One reason you know when it’s time to break up is when you and your partner start to argue about everything.

The smallest things may bring the greatest amount of irritation between both of you.

It can be anything, such as arguing about who gets to watch this TV show, or what you both would like to have for breakfast.

The alienation between both individuals is an unhealthy aspect of a relationship.

How can you expect to get along with your partner if you can’t have a civil day together, or longer down the road.

This usually is a manifestation of your partner’s pet peeves that you can’t just stand. Either they fix it or they don’t.

If not, that person is not the right person for you.Different endeavors

If your partner does not support you in your endeavors, goals or ambitions, this may be another moment when you know it’s time to go.

In a loving relationship, your partner is similar to a crew member of a ship that’s assisting the captain of a ship.

You are the captain of your own ship. Your ship in this case would be your life.

Sometimes you and your partner don’t have goals or ambitions that compliment or go well together.

That’s another reason how you know it’s time to break up.

Similarly, if you and your partner have many different views about the world, this is a huge compatibility issue.

These things can range from views such as religion , politics, environmentalism, education and finance.

If there is too much disharmony within the relationship caused by these views, your partner isn’t compatible with you.

Lack of Freedom (or Space)

If your partner is too possessive, you may want to find someone else. In a healthy relationship, you should have time to spend by yourself away from your partner.

Some days you just want to be out with your boys and have a Guys Night Out.

If you find yourself constrained and unable to do the things you are passionate or spend time with other people because your partner is doesn’t approve, it’s time to go.

Outside Perspectives

Another clear red flag is when the people most close to you have concerns about your partner.

It may be your mom or closest cousin that has an intuition about who you are with. About 99% of the time, they are right.

They may pick up on the negative things about the relationship that you can’t see because you in the veil of love and affection.

So in that case, that person is not for you. Time to break up.

What’s Next?

For the most part, there may be one or several reasons how you know time to break up. That partner may not be meant for you. But all is not lost. At least you know now what you don’t in a relationship!

Author's Bio: 

Alex J. Stevenson is CEO of the website - the ultimate source to get over exes. For more info on how do you know when it's time to break up, click here and read this amazing post.