How do you help someone with a health problem?
One of my friends sadly suffers from schizophrenia. It developed in his late teens, and unfortunately he was in a home with his parents suffering from their alcoholism, and so supportive enough that they could. There was no. We are all wondering how bad he would have been if there were more systems to support him early on, such as family
, friends and mental health professionals.
At some point before he was diagnosed, he was still working as a security guard (not a great job for someone at risk of diagnosing schizophrenia-too much time alone. Not great for those who are becoming suspicious of them (his own mind in understanding what is real and what is not), he has ample access to car financing and bank loans Had After his diagnosis and subsequent loss of his driver's license, he also faced financial difficulties as he lost his job-and took a large loan (£ 10,000 or so). He began to have to leave home because of the stress of being with others and not knowing the reality, so he went on long walks and trips to London and went out all night. In one of these nights, he filled £ 10,000 in cash. To date, he doesn't know where he buried it.
Thankfully, he really takes care of him, chases the mental health team for support, talks to him when he's only reacting to what's happening in his mind, and he's the right medicine Meet a girl who is taking the correct dose and fall in love to help manage the transition from one drug to another (you may need to be hospitalized due to the side effects of a new drug) ). He still has good days and bad days, but he is taken care of and prevents his symptoms from getting worse.
Looking back on what happened now is not helpful, but in the face of the realization that they or someone they know may be suffering from undiagnosed mental health problems. It may be an important and important lesson for others who are doing it.
So what can you do if you or someone you care about suffers from their mental health?
Beware of early signs
If they become withdrawn, use more drugs or alcohol, become indifferent to activities, become indifferent to their care, change their appetite, or feel sick, these are Note that this can be an early sign. You may be worried that they don't want help and they hate you, but early diagnosis and management can mean it's a one-time experience, not something. Because of their sex, it is advisable to get professional help as soon as possible to bother them for the rest of their lives!
Talk about it!
There are campaigns to help eliminate mental health discrimination, and their main focus is just getting in and talking about it. Therefore, you don't have to be a doctor or a mental health expert to talk to someone about mental health. Think of it as if your friends are constantly returning to an abusive relationship-will we let them continue the same cycle and watch over from bystanders? Or do you try to tell them what they are doing in case they haven't seen the big picture of what's happening to them?
Jennifer Hall
Freelancer SEO Specialist