If there is 1 thing that annoys most iphone users, it is losing battery power while they are still talking over the phone. Like it or not, this has happened to almost everybody including myself. When it does, it literally caught everyone by complete surprise. So the question is: how do I extend my iphone battery life as long as I want?

Iphones are like most mobile phones and other electrical devices. There is a limit as to how long their battery can last. Therefore they need to be recharged occasionally to maintain the maximum power level.

Whether you are listening to your favorite songs, browsing the web, watching videos, checking your email or sending messages, you are using a lot of your iphone's battery power. If you do not charge regularly, its power will drain sooner and quicker than you think.

Although most Apple iphone sites have clearly mentioned and elaborated on iphone's battery life expectations, they only include the information if you are running one application or talking to someone at a time. But not running 2, 3 and more applications simultaneously.

Although iphones can do multi-tasking more than any mobile phone, they also assorb much more battery power as well.

Here are ways for you can to extend your iphone battery life. If you follow the 3 basic tips I outlined below, your iphone will last longer and you will not have disruptions regardless of what you do on your iphone.

1. Recharging Your Iphone

It might seem like a trival chore to most users but is most essential for your iphone battery to stay up constantly.

Before you sleep, recharge your iphone for around 6 to 8 hours and then turn off the charger when you wake up in the morning. That way your iphone will be on full power for at least that whole day.

I do not know about you but I make it a point to do this once every 2 to 3 days.

2. Turn Off Your Bluetooth

The first tip is to simply turn your Bluetooth off if you are not using it.

For the longer you keep your Bluetooth power on, the faster your iphone will run out of battery. This is due to a tremendous amount of power used by the Bluetooth into searching for other devices constantly.

3. Lock Your Iphone

The second tip is lock your iphone when you are not using it.

When I say lock, I do not mean turning off your iphone but rather activating the lock icon on the screen so that in the event someone calls or messages you, you can still receive and see by deactivating.

If you are tired or do not want to activate manually, you can always set your auto-lock. This will automatically lock your iphone for about 5 to 20 minutes after use. When that happens, your iphone screen will have its light turned off as well.

With that said, here are 3 main essential ways to extend your iphone battery life when you are not using your iphone.

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For more information on how iphones work, feel free to check out my site here.