A major new medical study has pointed out several intriguing facts about erectile dysfunction. The major thrust of the study had to do with the predictive value of an erectile dysfunction diagnosis. It appears that an ED diagnosis will often precede various heart problems by about five years. On top of that, the study found that many, if not all, of the lifestyle traits that ward off heart disease also help keep erectile dysfunction at bay.

The person who designed and conducted the study pointed to the fact that narrowing of arteries near the heart is essentially the same malady as ED, which involves similar operational malfunctions. Patients who exercise , watch their blood pressure, keep cholesterol levels down, do not smoke, and consume healthful foods are not as likely to get heart disease or erectile dysfunction as others are.

This most recent study involved men who were in their fifties, some of whom needed drugs to control their cholesterol levels. In most cases, when the subjects used a drug which was beneficial for their heart conditions, that same drug also seemed to improve the negative aspects of ED. These results are not only logically sound, but have now been established within the scope of a scientific research study.

The study firmly established the fact that ED often precedes serious heart problems. Not that ED is a certain warning sign of heart disease . Far from it. Nevertheless, it is indeed an indicator, and thus should be followed up with a heart exam or health scan at the very least.

As for lowering the risk factor for heart attack, stroke, and related problems, doctors who were involved with conducting the study said that the three things a person could do involved good diet , proper exercise, and sensible weight loss . Each of these practices will not only help prevent heart attacks and strokes, but will go a long way toward relieving the effects of ED as well.

Those who conducted the study said that the results should be an encouragement to men who have ED, in that they can work on solving two medical challenges at once. Should you develop ED or heart disease, be sure to see your doctor to find a care plan that works best for you.

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