Let's talk first of the carpentry for the exterior, which has been done a lot in aluminum to avoid possible deterioration, yes, make sure it is a quality carpentry and not the cheapest because then you will lose a lot of money trying to solve the leaks.

The main key, and perhaps the only one of the aluminum carpentry, is to seal the space between the plaster and the carpentry with a special type of silicone for it.

Now going to the terminations, we have to think about the details such as the moldings, the light fixtures, the baseboards, the taps, the wiring and the installation of electricity, the painting and all those details in which the constructor takes the main role checking that nothing is missing in the whole house.

Interior woodwork is another element, for example, closets and doors. Another point is the coatings, that is to say, the ceramic that we decide to put as a final floor, understanding that the bathroom is different from the rest of the house.

Staying in the bathroom, we must ensure that details such as the placement of the ceramic walls of the bathroom, to avoid lines do not match evenly and avoid being left with the disappointment that not everything was perfect.

How is the area of a square calculated?

A square is a geometric figure whose sides are all equal, so calculating its area is quite simple. Suppose we have a room with a square shape and all sides are 3 meters, then all we have to do is multiply 3 meters x 3 meters or 3m x 3m, the result is then 9 square meters or 9 m 2.

How to calculate the square footage of a room?

To begin, you must have a tape measure, hopefully, metallic to have more precision since the plastic can be easily folded, pencil and paper. Considering that square meters are obtained by multiplying one side of the room on the other side (if it is rectangular or square), then you must measure one side from corner to corner doing it on the ground to have more precision, then measure the other side, write down both results and multiply them.

How is the square meter of a wall measured?

Knowing the square footage of a wall is very useful to know how much paint you need or the amount of fabric for a curtain. A retractable tape measure helps a lot, its metallic endings will help you to fix the tape, besides having a pencil and paper at hand.

Start by measuring the height of the wall from the top, if the dimension of the height is greater than the size of your tape, you can do it in parts leaving a small mark with the pencil. Once you have the measure of the height, measure the width of the wall at the level of the floor, write down this measure and then multiply the height by the width, this way you will obtain the square meters of a wall.

What is the cubic meter?

The cubic meter is a measure of volume used in the International System of Units that is used mainly, in construction, to indicate the amount of earth moved or concrete used.

A cubic meter, for example of water, is equivalent to a thousand liters, and its weight can vary according to the density of the material, that is, how thick the material is.

How is the amount of bricks calculated?

Think of a wall to calculate the number of bricks. Take the measurement that must have the wall of height and the measure in width, for example, 2.5 meters and 4 meters. Now, let's use an average brick that is 20 centimeters (or 0.2 meters) wide and 6 centimeters high (or 0.06 meters), to each measure of the brick you add 1.5 centimeters corresponding to the mortar or mixture used to glue the bricks.

How is a cubic meter of concrete measured?

Keep in mind that the cubic meter is a measure of volume, so we need three dimensions to get to know the volume of concrete to be used. One way is to divide the construction into rectangular prisms, for example, a column. Having done this, measure the width or depth, length, and height of that column, multiply the three measurements and you will get the volume of concrete that column requires.

We have come to the end of the article, if you want to learn advanced, we suggest to follow the tutorial on construction courses , which we hope will be very useful for you.

Author's Bio: 

Hasan Root, a dream lover.