The "hiring manager’s employee selection process" signifies the means engaged in picking an ideal candidate, who has the correct capabilities, to fill a current or future employment opportunity in the organization.

To start with, organizations design the criteria, of nominating a decent potential employee, to lead the selection process most efficiently and consistently possible, by optimizing each step involved. This procedure is the way toward figuring out which individuals in the candidate pool have the capabilities, qualifications, and skills important to be effective at work!

The employee selection procedure typically begins when a company has already advertised the target field jobs and attracted a suitable pool. Then, by following some steps, the HR department/ hiring manager decides on the promising hires! These steps, however, may slightly differ in distinct industries, organizations, company sizes, and even the independent departments at your workplace.

An organization is investing a good amount of time and money in screening a satisfactory employee. Labor Dept. research reports that a bad hire costs a company, approx. 30% of employee’s first-year salary – this justifies the company’s keen involvement in this employee shortlisting activity.

Stages of Employee Selection Funnel:

Though employing cycle details may be unalike in organizations – some standard steps involved in selecting from the suitable candidate pool are as follows;

• Corporate Job Offer/ Application
• Application/ Resume Screening
• Employment Test/ Assessment Test
• Comprehensive Interview
• Checking References and Background
• Medical Examination
• Employment Contract

Corporate Job Offer/ Application:

To avoid the wrong hire for a vacant company position, organizations finalize a corporate profile - qualifications, skills, relevant experience, certifications, knowledge – outline a job offer and disclose it on organization’s websites and social mediums; LinkedIn, Facebook; newspapers; job fairs; and job posting sites!

The employment aspirants then follow the application procedure. To liberate the hassle of screening these applications, organizations may hire headhunters – companies or professional individuals providing employment recruiting utilities to an organization; capable candidates who bear the company’s requirements.

Application/ Resume Screening:

Next, the organizations sieve through the CVs and resume thus received. By and large, a typical corporate bid for employment draws in 250 resumes. These are either checked manually, or companies now employ Automated Tracking Systems ATS to filter the most relevant documents. The hiring team further strains the list for a primary interview.

Fight shy of the “Apply and Pray” situation; you may take resume guidance to better understand Key components of a resume , resume layout and formatting, fonts, etc. and compose an ATS-friendly resume for yourself. Besides, you may avail of free online resume evaluation to get your documents to proofread and evaluated as per the conventional and professional employment application patterns.

Employment Test/ Assessment Test:

Hiring dept. utilizes pre-employment tests to know whether you're an ideal choice for an explicit employment opportunity. Successfully passing through this assessment test, propels you into the following phase of the recruiting cycle.

A long vocation of achievements and honors makes for an extraordinary resume, yet the experience is no assurance that an up-and-comer is an incredible recruit for a vacant employment position. Some well-known grounds of arranging these tests are:

• Cooperation and collaboration capacities
• General psychological capacity levels and learning speed
• Job’s fundamental knowledge (target industry standards)
Emotional Intelligence EI
• Problem-solving ability
• Teamwork aptness
• Ethics/ Morals

Comprehensive Interview:

Employers utilize interviews to dig further into the proficiencies, capabilities, and experiences; job-seeker claimed in phone interviews and his resume. For the most part, the meeting permits an employer to get a feeling of the intangibles; like communication skills , enthusiasm, professional objectives, work perspectives.

Contingent ”upon the size of the association”, one-to-many interviews could be planned for shortlisting job applicants before finally deciding upon hiring one employee! The motivation behind a comparatively lengthier, comprehensive interview, the meeting is particularly:

• It allows the questioner and the interviewee to investigate whether the applicant can do the work.

• and it reveals insight into whether the up-and-comer would be a solid match for the association – communication skills , and personality traits.

Checking References and Background:

Both “reference and background checks” hope to reveal recorded data of a job aspirant; Background checks are exclusively an information confirmation and data verification measure, while a reference check is a more thoroughgoing and flexible gauge for employing.

Background checks include:

• Employment verification
• Criminal background check
• Credit background check

Background check companies, public records, online databases, social media profiles are some of the many ways to congregate relevant information.

Reference checks:

Reference checks are planned to develop understanding into your capacities as a company’s employee – and organization’s asset!

“A reference check can incorporate a few stages”. The company could basically confirm dates of work and occupation titles and dates of participation at school and the degrees thus accomplished. An inside-and-out reference check will include conversing with references to acquire knowledge of a candidate's abilities, capabilities, workplace conduct, and capacities to do the work.

Medical Examination:

The motivation behind the “pre-employment medical examination” is to ensure the worker's wellbeing. This may incorporate drug and physiological exams depending upon the nature of the job!
These may be:

• Physical Fitness – efficient workforce for firefighters; rescue missions

• Physiological Stability – for mentally challenging careers like city security officers

Employment Contract:

When a top competitor is distinguished, the association ought to expand an employment contract/ underlying offer. The offer letter incorporates the position's compensation, bonus structure/ benefits, start date, potential severance pay, working strategy, and different terms and states of business.

Some contracts also cover terms which when breached; can lead to employee termination. Elements like work schedule, salary packages may be negotiable as per the decision of the recruitment staff.

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Author's Bio: 

I am expert writer/blogger, and have been writing as a freelance writer for several websites.