Heart Disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. That makes learning about heart health a number one priority, especially if you are over the age of 40 or have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or heart disease or someone in your family has been diagnosed or passed away because of heart disease . Our heart is the center of our circulatory system. Besides the brain the heart is the most important organ in the body. The heart pumps blood throughout the entire body re-oxygenating all of the organs along the way. If you do not have good heart health then its time you did something about it.
Heart disease is not one of those diseases that you can just pick up. It takes years of eating unhealthy, not exercising, smoking, drinking and working under high stress conditions to cause an unhealthy heart. Even if not all of these factors describes you, it doesn’t eliminate you from acquiring heart disease . Therefore it is important to take action to prevent heart disease .
Tips and strategies for improving heart health are as wide and various as they come. Traditional medicine, natural medicine, and holistic medicine all have various treatments, preventions and strategies to improve heart health. Determining the best approach for you will be based upon your own personal heart health. It is best to understand where your heart health is at before you decide on what methods to take to ensure a healthy heart.
Before you start making choices to change your life, schedule an appointment with your physician. Your medical doctor is the best person to determine where exactly your heart health is at the moment. Even if you don’t have heart disease, your doctor can predict if you are on the path to an unhealthy heart. Also, a family history of heart disease, or cardiovascular problems can determine if your genetic makeup predisposes you to cardiovascular health problems. Once your doctor determines your heart health, he/she can recommend several ways to improve your heart health and prevent heart disease or cardiovascular disease.
Although, traditional medicine normally relies on prescriptions and medications to resolve health problems, many medical doctors are now including several natural or therapeutic approaches within their recommendations. Nutritionists, dieticians, physical therapists and specialists are all referral sources that medical doctors use to reduce and prevent diseases. If you are unhappy with your doctor’s recommendations, look for a 2nd opinion. It is important to understand and approve of your doctors recommendations before starting on any treatment path. The path to achieving or maintaining heart health may be different for everyone depending upon one’s current heart health. Not everyone will achieve the same degree of change from the same treatment.
The most widely used course of action for attaining heart health is changing your diet . Diets high in sugar, carbohydrates, and fried and processed foods are all leading contributors to heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. Overtime these foods will weaken and fatten the heart making it work harder to pump the blood throughout the body. By eating a diet rich in essential nutrients you can strengthen the heart and decrease the risk for heart disease. A diet with several servings of fruits and vegetables, high fiber foods and lean protein will improve your hearts health immediately.
Although changing ones diet is probably the best thing someone can do for their heart, it is not the only way to improve heart health. And for some people it may need to be combined with other techniques to alter the levels of heart health. Diet and exercise together can significantly change one’s heart health. Remember it is important to monitor your diet and exercise changes through a professional. It is never too late to change the path of the health of your heart. It is up to you to make the changes to improve your heart health.

Author's Bio: 

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website!
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