Every living thing has a spirit. The spirit never dies; it lives on through the actions and memories of others. A spirit can pass from generation to generation.
The spirit is a part of your heart and soul. It is everything that you love and hold so dear in your heart. It is everything that is precious to your soul.
Someone’s spirit can come to you, that means that they are with you. A spirit goes where it is needed most.
Some of the signs of a spirit are a feather, a coin, a song on the radio or the simple feeling of a presence.
You are born with a spirit and as you grow your spirit grows. Everyone you meet, everywhere you go and all the experiences that you have, help create your spirit. Part of your spirit transfers from you to the people that you meet, it is turned into a memory by someone else. Your spirit lies in everything that you do, and everyone you meet. The spirit is immeasurable and timeless.
Your spirit changes as you change, it grows with you. As your awareness grows your spirit grows. The spirit of those who have left their physical body lives on. It lives on in places that were dear to their soul and in people whose lives were touched by them.
In the spirit world:
If someone has wronged you in this lifetime, it will all be corrected in the spirit world. There is no place for hardened hearts, as they will be softened. There is no place for anger or malice, as they don’t exist there. There is only love, and the love is through connection and the spirit is here for all to see that we are all one; we are all connected and are intended to live in peace
and harmony. We don’t have to wait until the afterlife to see it, we could be living that way right now but our awareness of it has not transpired yet. For some it is awakened, for others their heart and mind are still closed to it. When your awareness of something is awakened your spirit helps move you to making it become a reality.
How animals have spirits.
Have you ever had a favorite animal? Something drew you closer to that specific animal, it was their spirit. I do believe that we don’t pick an animal, the animal chooses you. My dog chose me; I had the pick of 9 puppies. Each time I went to visit them the same puppy came to me and craved my attention. After my fifth visit he came home with me. At that time I had a fear of dogs, particularly big dogs. It so happened that I went home with the biggest dog in the litter. Needless to say, my fear subsides each day.
So if you know a loved one who has departed, their soul lives on in everything that surrounds you. Their spirit may come to you as a butterfly, leaves blowing on a tree, a bird’s appearance or anything that makes you feel close to them. A person’s spirit is always with you, even in times of trouble.
So as you live your life, you are living through generations to come. Your spirit will live on through all you do each day. You spirit will live on through your acts of kindness that you give to strangers. The more you do in this lifetime the more your spirit will touch others.
My name is Tami Principe; I created my website, http://www.WomensRecreation.com , to offer hope and encouragement to those in need. I am a Motivational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Radio Talk Show Host, and a Breast Cancer Survivor. I am the author of four books, “Walk in Peace,” & “My Soulful Journey,” & “The Wishing Well,” and “The Green Rabbit.” My radio show is http://www.BlogTalkRadio.com/womensrecreation , feel free to listen to the archives.