I bet you're asking "How can I focus on the solution when I don't know what the solution is? I have this problem, how the heck am I supposed to feel good?" It's not always easy to make that shift from feeling negativity to feeling more positive but you cannot see the solution while in the depths of the problem.

When you are so focused on the problem, your vibration is on the problem. The solution could be right in front of you but you CANNOT see it because you're not in vibrational harmony with it. You must shift your vibration so that the solution can come into your focus.

Learn to reach for thoughts that feel better. Work your way up the emotional scale towards those positive emotions. For example, let’s say you are feeling fear regarding a presentation you need to make. As you think about making this presentation, you start to think “Who am I to be doing this? What makes me think anyone will value what I have to say?” These are feelings of unworthiness. Unworthiness is the next step up the Emotional Scale. Your next thought could be something along the lines of “I wish I was as a dynamic speaker as Jane. She seems to always have everything together and polished.” This speaks to jealousy which is the next step up. Keep working your way up until you find yourself thinking thoughts that have you in the energy of hope…such as “I’m really not as bad a speaker as I think I am. I’ve gotten positive feedback in the past and each time I speak, I know I’m getting better and more comfortable with the process.” Once you’re in Hope, the remaining positive emotions are not far behind!

As you focus more on the positive, your vibration lifts, thereby allowing the solutions you seek to come into view. Do you know how to move yourself up the emotional scale? Do you know what the emotional scale is? If not, I invite you to schedule your free Discovery session so we can discover ways to shift your focus together!

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Elaine Torrance-Gingrich, The Goddess of Laughter and Possibilities, is the creator of DANCE™ with Life! ; her signature system that shows you exactly how to leverage the Universal Laws for more abundance, laughter, and magic in your life! To get your FREE 3 part email course, “Attracting Abundance” and receive her Weekly Inspiration Ezine, visit www.avalonianmoon.com .

Author's Bio: 

About Elaine

Rev. Elaine C. Torrance-Gingrich is the founder of Avalonian Moon LLC, a company devoted to teaching women who are facing the challenges and transitions of midlife, how to develop and strengthen their connection to their own Inner Goddess so they can create their most magnificent life with more abundance, laughter and magic.

Through her coaching programs, Elaine mentors her clients to make peace with where they are, see the possibilities for where they can go, believe in themselves, and to have fun along the way. Her overall mission is to empower fun and possibilities.

To begin experiencing Elaine’s coaching, you may contact info@avalonianmoon.com to schedule an appointment for your 30-minute FREE Discovery Session.