Are you really the person you think you are? Or would a different perception make you another person? Everything you look for in life already is here, it's only a matter of changing your point of view to realize this.

When you start observing perception it becomes clear that you just ARE; you exist. This existence is open, undefined and transpersonal. By paying attention to 'being' this open perception filters through in all your activities, thoughts and feelings and a happy and fulfilled life arise.

In 'being' there are no problems, no yes or no, no duality, you just 'are'. It is a very peaceful and open state in which all impulses, thoughts, feelings and desires arise. As soon as your attention flows into the things you perceive, your identity shifts from BEING into BECOMING and you become what you perceive. When you for instance give attention to an angry thought, more angry thoughts and feelings arise and you become angry. This is a natural process and part of living and the key to experience a more fulfilled and joyful life.

Identity shifts happen all day long and in such short instant that we normally are not aware of it. There are however a lot of consequences to it. When you would go somewhere being angry people react and treat you differently and it may even escalate into aggression. When you would be in love the same world would be totally different and you could have some joy with the same people that otherwise annoy you. The same world can be perceived in very different ways. Happiness and well-being therefore is not a matter of finding the truth but about managing your perception.

By giving attention to being, your perception automatically changes. From this wider perspective, thoughts and emotions become more relative and through that more easy to handle. By regularly sharing in this wider states of consciousness, you don't get dragged away that much anymore. This creates inner freedom and a more harmonious and fulfilled life arises.

Meditation is directed at this shift in attention. It is by letting go of your thoughts and feelings that you become aware of being. Since for Westerners it is not easy to let go of thoughts and feelings, Shuem Healing makes use of shamanic healingmeditation. These powerful rituals take your attention away from the content of your consciousness to the wider space in which it all arises.

Author's Bio: 

Shuem Soul Experience offers an internet radio show with a free shamanic healingmeditation and lively talks on shamanism, perception, spirituality, life and happiness.